I'm so happy, so so happy - I only went and flipping did it I've been dreading this run so much, its been on the forefront of my mind for days now lol and I did it
I took onboard the advice you lovely people gave me last week and started out slower - I normally run at 9.5kph so started at 9kph so that I could easily drop down into the 8s and 7s if I needed to, but wasn't going as fast as I normally do (which isn't fast lol - my daughter leaves me standing!). So off I trotted - the first 5 mins were achey, my achilles hurt, then my calf took over, then my quad - just feeling tight. After about 6 or 7 mins they'd eased off and I felt comfortable and started to relax more. When Laura told me I had done 15 mins I upped the pace to 9.5kph as I was nearly there (ha ha, just two weeks ago 5 mins had me quaking in my boots, now its 'nearly done'...) then with 2 mins I pushed up to 10kph. At just after 1 min to go I realised that I'd clicked over to 2.9k during the running bit and I thought s*d that - so pushed it up to 10.5kph and it clicked to 3k just as Laura said well done and I could slow down. I did that, burst into tears and sobbed for the first minute of the cool down lol lol lol - I felt totally elated - so darned happy - 20 mins!!!! Overall including the 2 walks I covered 4.1k so very happy with that
it feels so so good!!!
For anyone who reads this and is facing this run soon just go for it - I didn't think I could do it, couldn't see how I could jump from 8 mins on Monday when that hurt to 20 mins on Wednesday, but somehow you can. Laura says trust the programme and she is right - somehow it just works and the feeling you get as she congratulates you and you know you've done something flipping amazing is just the best