🧑hi everyone just joined , trying to help my mental health with starting couch2 5k. Have completed 2 nd run of wk 1 . Did you all feel that even running 5 mins is going to be a struggle ? Trying not to look ahead and take 1 run at a time. I’m a 53 year old complete newbie.😀
week 1 2nd run: 🧑hi everyone just joined... - Couch to 5K
week 1 2nd run

🍏 Welcome Yarnlover11 & well done on completing 2 runs already! That’s incredible! ⭐️
Many of have started our journey through C25K never having run before or having had bad experiences at school with running. Have a little read through the guide I have linked in for you here.
🧶 I am also a yarn lover (crochet) so had a smile at your name!!
thank you I’ll have a look . Yes I love yarn knitting and crochet 🧶
I can’t knit or crochet for nuts but can’t walk past a wool shop 😁. I retain a memory map of them on my travels so I can share with my sisters and niece who are mad for crochet and knitting. So many beautiful wools 🥰
Good idea to take up C25k 👍🙂. It’s a lovely thing is running. Enjoy it out there. Take your time and you’ll be fine 🙂

Well done for starting the programme!
I can tell you that running is fantastic for mental health. Later on, there are some great mindfulness guided runs that you can listen to while running. I started running for mental health and never looked back.
In answer to your question - yes, 5 minutes seemed impossible - and 5Km was such a distant dream it wasn’t even worth thinking about. I used to look at runners on the forum with ‘Graduate’ after their name with admiration, never thinking I would ever be one of them. Trust the programme and all of these and more will become possible. You will be amazed at yourself.
You will shop for lycra and drool over running shoes! You’ll get the running bug and look at photos of lovely places and immediately want to run there. You’ll talk about running to non-runners and watch their eyes glaze over 🤣
Good luck with this wonderful journey. You’ll get there, one (slow) run at a time. 👍😊
Totally agree with you Jools, all except the Lycra, I'm not a Mamil😂
welcome. I am new to running too and on week 2 you can do it. Listen to advice from knowledgeable people on here. Slow and steady is key

welcome Yarnlover11 this is a fabulous thing to do for your mental health you will hear that from people time after time.
Yes at first I thought I can’t run to the corner but this plan is truly magic, trust in it stick to it and you will be amazed.
This is also a great place to come for advice encouragement and laughs ! Truly supportive bunch.
Enjoy !!

Well done for starting. I was 63 and looking back am amazed I survived that first week. Trust me, it gets easier. You'll get tons of good advice here. Follow the program, drink lots of water, don't run too fast are probably key. Find out more about stretching to warm up and cool down. Treat yourself to properly fitted running shoes, they make it world of difference.
If you can do Week 1 you can do Week 9 (and much more!😁
Hi there, I am just about to start week four and I honestly never thought I could do it. I was puffed out and weak running for 60 seconds! But it's amazing how quickly you get in the groove and now I love it. You can do this!! You've taken the biggest step x
Welcome! I graduated earlier in the year after a three year struggle with the effects of long Covid. Not so long ago I couldn't walk across the patio, but soon after I graduated I was running 5k a couple of times a week. Then I got injured ...
I've had a few weeks off and am now back on C25K.
It does seem miraculous: to go from no running to running for half an hour in a matter of weeks. But this programme really does work. And you've already done the hardest run - which was the first one.
Really well done - good luck with your running and keep us posted!
I absolutely did worry about that 5-minute run. But you are right to not worry and just think about the run you're doing! Also don't stress over speed - slower is better for many reasons and if it's important to you the speed will come.
Chiming in about knitting - which along with running I also do slowly, and don't worry about it 😊

You couldn't have come to a better place for your mental health. Yes, struggle at the start. Follow, (trust), the program and in a few weeks it will all settle down.