Well run 2 is completed. Just as hard as run no 1. I think I'm going to repeat week 1 again next week. The idea of running for 2 minutes seems a step yo far yet
2nd run week 1: Well run 2 is completed. Just... - Couch to 5K
2nd run week 1

Great for completing wk1r2. You can repeat any run or week that You want. Just go slow and slower again if needed. You can do this 😊

Buddy’s right go slow and you can go longer time well done on starting it’s a life changing programme

Well done ! Honestly it does get easier however I’m still on W3.1 and winter approaches!
As the others have said, there is no shame in running more slowly. I had exactly the same problems as you in week one, and false started it a couple of times before I finally found my (slower) running speed thanks to the help & advice on here. Once I get onto any new week (I'm on week 3 at the moment) I worry about the longer running times next week so what I now always try is on my third & final running day of the week I try to make my last actual run of that session the time I have to run next week. So, at the end of week one I ran for 90 seconds instead of 60. My theory being that if I can make it, I can start the following week with more confidence, and if I can't quite do it, I know that I'm close, but at least I've now finished my current week anyway. Go for it, if it only aches you're doing it right, if it hurts you're doing it wrong or doing too much!

I have definitely found running slowly helped me reach each target (so far). You’d be surprised how each week prepares you for the next, especially if you have 2 rest days between weeks. However if repeat is needed then that’s fine too, I certainly will if I need to as it gets tougher.

Hey you'll be surprised.
I'm sure you will find run 3 to be easier than the first two
And you will be amazed at how quickly you recover compared to the first two
So dont write off wk2 just yet. Just maybe slow down a little and take 2 rest days before you attempt the next week