Morning all. Today was my first post COVID run since Boxing Day. I took it really slowly. I went a long with Sanjiv repeating week 9 run 3. He voice is so calming. I quite often just repeat that week, a bit of a comfort blanket. I had my new trainers on. No probs there. This is the best I've felt since the week before Christmas. Almost human again, although still no taste. Happy running everyone
Post COVID run: Morning all. Today was my first... - Couch to 5K
Post COVID run

Excellent news! It’s great when you’ve got a run that’s like a big old comfy blanket that you can dig out when you need it. Mine’s a 15 minutes comeback run on NRC.
Enjoy some well earned rest-sometimes you can feel extra tired for a little while after covid. So pleased you’re feeling better though ❤️

That's great, that's a nasty virus that said energy long after the other things pass, no taste sounds awful though

Well done you, and glad it went well ! I am three weeks on from a negative test.. and still only walking and yoga -ing You did well and you feel okay!

Just poppjng in to say your name made me chuckle. Whether the 65 is your year of birth or perhaps your age, you did awesome getting out on a post covid run. Also, I love the description of a run being a comfort blanket. 😊
Well done for getting back out there and taking it steady 👏.
Your comment about the "comfort blanket" made me smile 😃.
As MissUnderstanding mine is an NRC guided run with Coach Bennett.
Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙏 👍

that’s awesome
Well done sometimes it’s good to have a run you feel comfort in
And after covid as well that can take it out of you

Well done, I’m consolidating so I also repeat that run listening to Sanjiv.
You're a very lucky girl, I had Covid Dec 2021 and I can't run to save my life!! Long Covid is horrendous. I used to run twice three times a week. So hacked off. I am so pleased for you though. Take your time and above all else enjoy. I miss it so much.

Good news but do take care. My covid was Nov. After it was all stop start until I did what you did - wk9 run3. Determined no matter how slow just to run it all. That put me back on track but my pace, for what it matters, is stil slower. I'm finding a comfortable 10k pace is easier than a quicker 5k.