Well it's 6 days since I graduated, & due to circumstances beyond my control, haven't been able to run since, until today. So after work got on my running shoes & started 5k+ stepping stones, could I keep up with the 150 beats, NO!, & struggled with my breathing , & had to walk after 1st 3 mins, was having breathing issues, & eventually after 20 mins of walking/ running gave up & headed home, feeling like I had lungs of a gnat! No breathe left, don't know if it was poor air quality, this is the first time I've given up since I started the programme & feel really despondent!! Don't think.I like the stepping stones program, & will repeat week 9 for several more weeks to overcome my deflated mood, & have just noticed my graduate badge has disappeared, now I feel really deflated!!
1st run post graduation, what a failure!!! - Couch to 5K
1st run post graduation, what a failure!!!

Nah, don't feel like that. I did a Park run Saturday after completing C25K on the Thursday, I didn't count it as the first post C25K because I did it in under 28 minutes. So today I set off since the weather was sunny and ok, despite the promised rain never turning up, but I would have to say, it was not easy, ok I did it and ran 3.6 miles in 32 minutes, but I would not describe it as easy and the negatives were still in my head after 5 minutes saying "ok, stop now etc". I didn't stop and finished the distance, I even googled whilst having a brew, when will it get easy lol. I'm not sure it will, I won't give up now having come this far, so don't you. Have a days rest and get out again. If at first, you know the rest, good luck.

I remember my first couple of runs post graduation and felt exactly the same. After the high of completing the programme, I expected to keep progressing at the same rate but I lost my way a bit without the programme. I haven't tried any of the 5k+ podcasts but I can imagine it would be worth consolidating your 30 mins runs before trying to move on. I went back to running with Laura with the week 9 podcasts for a few runs before trying different music etc. Keep positive and remember what you have achieved :0)
I have just read this and thought it rather apt. A quote from Winston Churchill, not that I'm a fan.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal, its the courage to continue that counts.

Thanks great quote
Thinking about it, a Park run might the next goal to focus on, take part set a time, its the fact you have a new goal that might take you to the next level. My target is 26 minutes, then 24 anything beyond that will be a real bonus.

Yes good idea will have a look what's near me

Hi catz, I found the stepping stone podcast really hard on graduation and found myself struggling to keep up and demotivated when I couldn't - so, I gave myself a less 'competitive' just for me run which brought all the fun back to it for me. I'm a recent graduate, 4 or 5 weeks, and now find the C25K+ podcasts really useful but they're a misery directly after graduation - give yourself some time to enjoy what you've achieved, consolidate and it will all start to come together Well done on getting out there
Really wise words. I was fortunate that the C25K+ suite didn't come out until right when I was ready a few months after I'd graduated.
I am with Potty. I am also a recent graduate (around the same time ) I tried the Stepping Stones podcast and I couldn't find the rhythm the 150 seemed to slow and awkward. I repeated week 9 for a few weeks. I have just started the podcasts again. I have done the Speed one several times and really enjoy it. I tried the Stamina one on Friday and loved that too (I haven't gone back to stepping stones). I have now made the decision that Mondays will be Speed, Wednesdays Stamina and Fridays just for the hell of it, a 5k without anything. I am just going to run until I reach 5k
. This is the plan in the short term anyway. So don't get despondent you know you can do it just run for fun. Happy Running
I having slept on this, I'm sure whats happened is the goal as gone. When you were following C25K, you had a goal, then when completed you haven't. I'm sure Park run will solve it.

My first few runs after graduating were also pretty horrid... until I worked out that it really didn't matter if I didn't run for 30 mins. Once I had taken the pressure away, things were much easier. Stop being so hard on yourself, look at how much you have achieved - and if you want to take a walk break now and then, so what?! You are a runner and you are out there running. Congratulate yourself and take some time to just enjoy it.

I found 150 bpm too slow - not speedwise but bpmwise if you know what I mean. If I do a slow bpm run now, I tend to run my first 5 mins at whatever feels comfortable, then go with the beat on the podcast once I'm settled into running. If I start with short quick steps I seem to be able to slow it down after that. No idea why!

Having just graduated I have been thinking about this alot, and have decided not to go onto another set of podcasts for a few weeks at least, thought what I would do is at least one 30 min run a week, followed by a couple of 20 min runs possibly, or I may join my local running club and use that as my long run per week, I'm working up to running the race for life in June, and as long as I know I can just about run 5k I'm happy with that, and yes I would like to work on my time, but now that I've finished C25K I can concentrate on that maybe with runkeeper. I would like to try a park run at some stage though, but I certainly won't be putting any pressure on myself, lets face it, life is too short and we should be enjoying being out there living it!

Yes very true thanks for the advice, haven't heard about runkeeper is it a download?

I didn't get on with stepping stones either - I found it very boring, and the stamina one even worse. So I went back to Week 9. I'm still using it. Maybe I'm boring, but I like it. "Julie" makes me laugh, and the "Original Salsa"man at the end really helps to get me through the last five minutes. As for targets - when I'm feeling good I carry on for an extra couple of minutes and complete 4K, and if I'm feeling good AND haven't got too heavy a time-table (ie Saturdays) I carry on and do a whole 5K, running through the warm-down music, and walking through the first five minutes of the week one podcast - which also helps as it reminds me of just how far I've come.
I'm signed up for Run for Life in June too (Herne Bay). It will be my first public run. After that, I mean to find a programme to get me from 5K to 10K. Any suggestions anyone?
Congratulations on your achievements, yes I'm going to carry on with week 9 runs for a while, I don't know about Julie am I'm missing something?

I wouldn't worry too much about it catz.
Many people seem to get the post graduation blues. I had a quick listen to the 'plus' podcasts the other day and am pretty sure that I would struggle with them too. It doesn't help that I have zero sense of rhythm but I also don't think I would take well to the 'instructions' being barked out - "stand up straight", "elbows at 90 degrees", "1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4".
Work out what it is YOU want to do with your running from here and things will start to fall in place.

I sympathise, having graduated i completely lost the plot, barely managed a run a week, found excuses not to go, felt physically worse for not running, which made me not want to run, I had a long break due to feeling generally rubbish when i was completing the c25k, but the structure...and having a plan to stick to made me persevere. Without a box to tick or instructions to follow I am pretty useless. I returned to the gym yesterday and got back on it.....tonight i am going to order a treadmill...no more excuses....

Yes easy to fall by the wayside already thinking about my run tomorrow, & how rubbish I was yesterday I think that's it I have to have a goal/plan, get on that treadmill you'll be fine, I'm gutted as my Graduate badge has disappeared!!

Hi Catz, Don't feel deflated not after all your hard work to graduate. I redone week9 last week as found missed Laura's encouragement, and I had advice from few other people on here saying repeat week 9. I done my first outdoor run at weekend and I had to keep stopping and walking to catch my breath as well. I wasn't anywhere near up to my usual slow treadmill speed but I just kept going and stopped when I needed. Don't see it as failure Catz just a minor setback. Keep going at it and you'll be back up to speed before you know it. You can do this, you have already so best foot forward!!!

Just going to add what lots of others have said. As soon as I graduated I set to with stepping stone and managed about 3 minutes of the warm up before swearing at and switching off Laura as I didn't like her telling me what to do. Did a couple more weeks of week 9. Retried a few weeks later and now use speed and stamina when I feel like it. Don't have a fixed focus but each week try and do a 5k on my best route, a longer run and a speed 30 minute run ( still slow though!) in the week when I have less time. Don't worry of you want to do something different, just don't stop. Even if you did week 9 3 times a week for ever, it's still fantastic and better than returning to the couch!
Good luck!

Thanks for that, yes in Dec wasn't doing any exercise, so I guess at least I'm not on the couch anymore, fingers crossed for tomorrow & I'm going to repeat week 9 again.

Keep it coming. I did 4K this morning and I'm really pleased with myself, even though I graduated last June. Keeping going is MUCH more important than going fast - or even going further.....
However - my dream is still the Stonehenge to Avebury run.... One day..........