My! What weather this morning!
Got out there a bit late in the morning, but just the sky alone was worth it. Add the trees, the path, the air… runner’s heaven.
And first time for me for short sleeves T-shirt and my 3/4 leggings!
Today, on my revisit to Couch to 5K, but this time Zombie Version:
5 min warmup walk
(** I tend to add JD dynamic calf stretches here **)
10 min freeform run
10 Squats
Repeat the following two time:
(30sec stretches + 10 Squats)
5 min walking
7 min freeform running
2 min stretching
7 min freeform run
(** I now add here 20 double leg jumps **)
All intervals went ok. In the walking sections I now experiment with forefoot vs heel-striking walking gaits. Stretch at home. Shower. Then 20 min of James Dunne resistance band workout.
Then relax in the garden in sunshine whilst browsing the forums.
Salad and egg lunch.
My Nordic Walking poles get delivered! Very exciting! 😄😃🏔🥾👟
And then in the afternoon, I turn on my chair, and my back-niggles are suddenly back. So I lie on the yoga mat and do a bit of stretches. Promise myself I will not do any double jumps that might impact on my poor niggling back.
So drinking my tea in horizontal position at the moment. The backache often just goes away with a bit of stretching and rest. So hopefully I’ll be up and able to try my new Nordic Walking poles tomorrow!
Despite my niggling back, what a great day!