Haven't posted on here in ages and thought it was time for an update....scroll on if you're easily bored, or, if you're eating 🤣🤣
So, my goodness, where to start......many of you already know about my running journey, asthma related health issues etc etc......but, a few months ago I began to realise I was exceedingly uncomfortable, like, all the time......I narrowed it somewhat to pain after eating, bloating, nausea, excess acid.....excess gas...😳😳....followed by aching limbs and joints.........and finally, this is what prompted a call to the unhelpful GP....blood in my poo........😱☹☹☹....
I had many tests.....I was in a lot of pain....I was convinced I was very ill, and depressed that I'd never run again...I didn't have any energy...but I made that doctor listen to me! And, all tests came back clear! Thank God.....but not helpful in discovering the cause of my, now intense, pain. Until......until.....gp says, "Have you heard of FODMAP".....nope says I, not a clue..."Look it up on the NHS website, says he.....you're having a massive IBS flare up.....follow a low FODMAP diet....see how you get on".....
Well......its been another journey, but I am now on a low FODMAP diet, all symptoms have disappeared, or are completely manageable.......and, I've just run my fastest 5K ever!!!!😃😃😃
So, I apologise for the rambling and TMI......but I thought there might be others on here, that just don't know.....and are suffering....the bonus is I've lost some weight as well......and, I can run, I can run.......🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️