Unable to complete week 1: Hi everybody, I... - Couch to 5K

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Unable to complete week 1

Popsicalafragelistic profile image

Hi everybody,

I hope you’re all staying well!

I’m the first to admit that I’m really unfit, and in lockdown I got permanently attached to the couch.

I’m a bit overweight but I don’t have any other problems really (slight asthma that flares up if I have a chest infection).

I recently decided to change my life. I’ve had enough of being so unfit and unhealthy. After various recommendations I decided to give this app a go, however after trying twice both today and yesterday I’m feeling somewhat, deflated.

I managed yesterday to do 5 out of the 7 60-second jogs with great difficulty. I had to stop as I just felt so out of breath.

Today, unfortunately, I very much struggled to do as much as I did yesterday and again had to stop but this time after 4 jogs.

I’m now wondering whether I’m actually too unfit to use this app!

Any advice on other things to try to get fit etc.?

Thank you so much,


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Popsicalafragelistic profile image
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71 Replies
UnfitNoMore profile image

Welcome to the forums and well done getting started. It doesn’t matter how much running you managed, it’s more than you did last week, so your journey to fitness has begun.

I’d hazard a guess that you ran too fast, I certainly did on my first one! Have a read of the guide to the plan, which will help with things like pacing, hydration, strengthening work, and rest days... healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Slow it right down until you can speak in full sentences and this will become a lot more manageable.

You can do this... enjoy your journey, and come tell us about it often.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to UnfitNoMore

Thank you so much! I did think maybe i was going to slow so I started to speed it up! In hindsight that must have been an issue, so I will work on slowing my pace right down :)

MontyMooDog profile image

You must have a rest day between runs to allow your body to recover so running on consecutive days isn't a good idea.

Also look up "Japanese slow jogging". There is a link to it on here somewhere.

That's the sort of pace you need to be looking at until you can build a bit more stamina. Keep at it and good luck...

MontyMooDog profile image


Try the above...

Sparkey5000 profile image
Sparkey5000Graduate in reply to MontyMooDog

This clip changed my running journey! You may feel a bit silly at first But it gets you base technique sorted and for me stopped the shin splints! You’ve done the hardest bits...the decision, the first go....don’t stop now!!

50Tigger70 profile image
50Tigger70 in reply to MontyMooDog

That's a great video! I'm about to start my running journey so this is really going to help. Thank you 😁

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to MontyMooDog

Thank you! This is brilliant, I never thought of doing it this way. I’m excited to get back out now, tomorrow after my rest day of course :)

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to MontyMooDog

This video! I’ve done it today and I did it without stopping for the first time! I’m so happy and it’s all down to that video, thank you so much! 😊

MontyMooDog profile image
MontyMooDogGraduate in reply to Popsicalafragelistic

👍Glad to have helped a fellow runner and well done. Best tips are trust and stick to the program and take your time. Speed may or may not come later😀Take it easy and good luck in your journey...

MontyMooDog profile image

When I started I did a "practise week 1" first.

Run 1 I fast walked all the running slots

Run 2 I ran alternate slots and fast walked the others so ran 4 out of 8

Run 3 I ran the first 3 slots, fast walked the next 2, ( up a hill) and then ran the last 3 so ran 6 out of 8

The following week I ran all 8 slots as per the program.

Maybe give this a try first ??

Good luck and stick at it 😀

Delgirl82 profile image
Delgirl82 in reply to MontyMooDog

I did this to and repeated both weeks one and two .

50Tigger70 profile image
50Tigger70 in reply to MontyMooDog

Now this is a great tip. I'll remember this, thank you 😁

Couchphoenix profile image

As the others have said, slow your running right down to a snails pace, it’s all about keeping enough in the tank to complete the runs, week one is hard and a shock to your body, your asking it to do something it’s not used to. Clear your mind, take a nice deep breath in and exhale slowly, as you jog, listen to a good playlist, songs that will motivate you...,I’ve just downloaded The Rocky Story, all the best tracks from the Rocky movies. Don’t give up, stick with it...trust me the plan works....Good Luck 👍

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Couchphoenix

Thank you! This is great advice, in looking forward to my next go now! Feeling much more motivated :)

Dtay1978 profile image

Have a look at Japanese slow jogging. Keep at it you’ll get there 😊

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Dtay1978

Thank you!

Guy_M profile image

Keep with it and as the other comments suggest just slow the pace down. I was terribly unfit and like you really struggled with week 1 run 1 .....now 14 months later and 2 st lighter I’m out for weekly 10k runs ....it’ll work with time. One of the biggest struggles are the mental thoughts that you can’t do it or it’s too hard or to far.....part of my process was retraining my thoughts ...weird one but there you are.... stuck with it at your speed and repeat runs with rest days until you’re happy.......it all about you and your fitness journey.....most of all enjoy being outdoors 😁

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Guy_M

This is really inspiring! I’d love to be able to run that far and I’m determined now! Feeling much more motivated after reading these comments 😊

Sniffy25 profile image

Don’t give up, everyone’s advice and encouragement here is so helpful.

You want to do this for you not have to do it. Every time you step outside that door for your run is a step forward, no pun intended. I’m sure the biggest step for you was to download and start the programme, you are on your way.

It will get easier and you will be so proud of yourself. Try taking some slow controlled deep breaths, through the nose and out through the mouth when you have the in between walks, maybe count them out five at a time, it all helps. 👍

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Sniffy25

Thanks so much! And yes it took me a while to download haha! I’m feeling much more motivated now 💪🏼

CaptFrey profile image

You can do it. Follow the advice others have given. Repeat weeks, it’s ok to be slow you will do it.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to CaptFrey

Thank you!

Swanseajen profile image

Hey Pops, I couldn’t get through week 1 for 4 weeks! I was just not fit enough but I did as much as I could and then a bit more each week until I did it. I’m now on week 9 and just about to go out and run for 30 minutes, which if you’d told me I’d be doing back then. I wouldn’t have believed you. Keep going. You can do this.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Swanseajen

This is motivating! I’ve always wanted to be able to get fit and run but never attempted it. Now I’m excited to get back out with the new slower technique 💪🏼

CoolRunner11 profile image

I am pretty new to this having just completed week 1, but had attempted it 2 years ago (in a group setting) but injured my knee on the second run and spent 12 months in physio. This time I have done a lot of preparation to get myself in the best place to keep going without injury. Tips I received were:

1. Slow down. You need to be at a pace where you can still talk comfortably and keep your footfall under your hips. Make sure to land on the bottom of your feet rather than your heel or toe.

2. Posture is important. Run with back straight looking ahead and keep shoulders relaxed. On my first run 2 years ago I was hunched over, fist clenched around my phone and the aches across my back and shoulders the next day was immense. I have a bum bag now to keep my phone and keys in.

3. Start out by walking. I started walking around 6 miles every other day and did this for a good 6 weeks before starting the programme again. I am not saying do large distance walks, its just what I was capable of, but pace is more important.

4. Do some leg/foot/core strenghening exercises - I had never even considered this on my first attempt but as a couch potatoe I was expecting too much of my body to go straight into running. I have actually been doing Joe Wicks and some exercises on an app to do this. It will all help. Just make sure you do a warm up and cool down after, even if it doesnt feel like you have done much.

5. Invest in some decent running trainers. I was using an old worn out pair first time around which didnt support my foot or ankles like a good pair do. Ideallt you should get a gait analysis at a running shop but there are online resources for checking this yourself at home.

6. First few runs maybe consider running on grass. Apparently the overall impact on your feet/legs is reduced when running on grass as its not as hard a surface as tarmac.

7. Keep positive. Its so important to be in the right place mentally as well as physically. Dont doubt yourself. It will be tough, but things worth doing usually are!

I too am overweight so its not been easy to get myself out there, but so glad I did, I feel so much better in myself once I have completed a run.

Good luck and keep at it.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to CoolRunner11

Thank you so much! This is really great advice. I definitely think I expected too much too soon and went too fast.

I’m like you last year with the hunched back and the phone in my hand haha

I’ll defo invest in a bumbag!

Thank you for your great tips and experience- I’m looking forward to getting back out and putting it back into practise!

hamit profile image

Slow is good, don't overthink it . JSR has helped so many people. Remember if a Snail overtakes, you are doing it right👍

JessPix profile image
JessPixGraduate in reply to hamit

This is my favourite post ever. I feel better for reading it as always worry that I’m too slow and someone could walk past me quicker

hamit profile image
hamitGraduate in reply to JessPix

Ok time to get your head right.

1. You have started something that a lot of people would not have the guts to do.

2. Be proud of yourself.

3. You will be amazing just give it time.


JessPix profile image
JessPixGraduate in reply to hamit

Thank you 😊

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to hamit

Thank you!

sigasiga profile image

Welcome to running! You've already run more than you did before, so you're on your way. It doesn't matter if you take longer, you will complete the first run and it will feel great! Just keep going and you will get there - and remember, no run is a failure, it's just practice for the next one 😊

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to sigasiga

Thank you! I’m excited to get back out there now 💪🏼

Rayros21 profile image

As others are saying take your time and take it easy. The Japanese slow jogging video is certainly worth taking a look at. I suffered a heart attack last October and needed bypass surgery. I never thought I would be putting on my running shoes but I will be starting week 8 later today. You can do this. Good luck and please post to let us know how you get on.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Rayros21

Wow that’s amazing!! These responses have been so great, I feel so much more positive now 😊

Birdlady64 profile image

Not much more to say really but totally agree with everything everyone else has said.

You've made the hardest decision by getting out there and starting this plan.

The plan really works and this forum is a great place to come for advice and support.

You can do it!

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Birdlady64

Thank you! 😊

JessPix profile image

Welcome Pops and well done for getting out there! I am overweight and unfit and struggled too. I spent 4 weeks walking up and down a hill near me to try to get my legs used to being used before I started the programme, I think it helped but also wish I’d found this site first and followed the exercises for strength etc from the beginning. Good luck, you are already on the journey to better health!

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to JessPix

Thank you! I’m so excited to carry on now 😊

Plattszo profile image

Don't be downhearted. You are doing more rhan you did last week, so are already achieving. The rewards when you complete a run are amazing and will spur you on.

I have nothing to add to what the others have said, except just believe in yourself!! You can and will do this!

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Plattszo

Thank you so much!!

Bonnybanks profile image

I’m another fan of the Japanese slow jogging video! Also if you have a blue ventolin inhaler, take it with you as a security blanket. Hope all the advice helps you as you progress. Good luck!

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Bonnybanks

I do have one! Yes I think mentally I might feel more at ease if I have it with me, even if I’m not using it - I need to invest in a bumbag now! Thank you :)

John_W profile image

Popsicalafragelistic feeling better after reading the posts and the Slow Jogging vid?

Honestly, I've seen all shapes, sizes and couch potatoes do C25K. I've been a run leader for our lunchtime club at work and my 2 main observations are this

- virtually *anyone* can do it

- the key is to find the right pace and go slow enough.

Finding it a struggle? Hard to breathe? Slow down and relax.

You CAN do it.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to John_W

I went back on this morning thinking I bet I don’t have any replies 😂

I can’t believe how many and how supportive everyone is!

It’s such a useful tip, in hindsight I definitely think I was trying too much too soon and went too fast.

I’m going to try and slow it right down - and invest in a bumbag haha

Thank you!

GoogleMe profile image

1) You are not too unfit to use the programme. Obese people with underlying health conditions and no history of exercise have been successful

2) It is important to listen to the instructions (with the possible/probable exception of the advice to hit the ground heel first) If you had, you would not have run on consecutive days (and yes, they still apply if you've not completed the session) I reckon you would have managed at least the five run segments again if you'd had a non-running day in between, as per the programme.

I too struggled with Week 1. The first time out, I managed the first 4 of the run segments (which was three and a half more than I thought I was going to manage) I don't know what you did after that but I'd suggest walking the rest of the session. You get the coaching messages, you keep moving, but you have a very clear marker for progress and start to build up that mental attitude of keeping going. Aside from you almost certainly having gone too fast, it can be worth adopting some other strategies too - perhaps slowing down your walk segments too so that you are recovering better between runs (and remember your run is a different movement, doesn't have to be faster), taking smaller steps if you start to struggle and perhaps a long breath out.

My 'Week 1' took over six weeks, progress creeping up. But I didn't have nearly as much trouble with the rest of the programme, all runs were completed at the first attempt and I have kept on running for over eight years now. I recently re-did the programme and Week 1 is still a toughie - so don't be weighed down by any 'if I can't do this week straight off, how on earth can I do the rest of the programme'

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to GoogleMe

Thank you for this! I should have kept a rest day in between but i was trying to be an eager beaver haha - I’m going to have rest days now (I definitely need it my legs are aching today).

Looking forward to going back out tomorrow though and trying out the new slower technique 😊

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Popsicalafragelistic

That's why it is such a clever programme - so many people's attempts to get fitter come to grief, not because they are not up to it but because they go at it like a bull at a gate and either get injured or run out of steam in terms of making it fit into their lives/sustaining enthusiasm.

Thank you so much! This is great advice. I’m glad I posted, as I do think in hindsight after reading these comments that I was running too fast!

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to Popsicalafragelistic

Slower running will get you fitter sooner than all that... soon you’ll not only be able to run for that bus easily, you may not even need the bus.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to UnfitNoMore

Yess! That is what I’m aiming for! Hehe

Maybe some brisk walking for a week or two would be better at the minute, then move onto slow running.

Lots of people find it difficult at the beggining so just ease yourself into it.

Keep going and don't give up, you have taken the first step, just don't stop.

Good luck.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to

Thank you! 😊

Wow! I’m so pleased that I posted here. Your replies have all been so motivating and helpful - I really appreciate that 😊

I’m looking forward to heading out on my next run and trying out the new techniques! 💪🏼

John_W profile image
John_WGraduateAmbassador in reply to Popsicalafragelistic

Just go SLOW. Think 'JOG'... not 'run'

Slowbot profile image

Congratulations on making the decision!

I have just done week 9 run 2 so only one to go and I am so pleased I started. My profile is very similar to you!

I would say:

1) get a bumbag

2) get good trainers

3) if you can get your own personal cheerleaders to go out with you (walk while you run)

4) possibly get a Fitbit or similar it is good for tracking and making you feel wow I did that.

4) and laugh when the toddler overtakes you on the beach😁 x

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Slowbot

Well done! That’s amazing 😊💪🏼

I definitely need the bumbag I admit haha I’m quite stingy with money and kept telling myself I don’t need one but I definitely do!

Maybe this a new me and I might even treat myself to a fit bit as an early bday present haha!

Thank you!

LLMc profile image

You can do this. Don’t get discouraged. Follow the programme and take your time. If you need to repeat a day or a week that is perfectly fine. Really important to take a rest day in between to allow your body to recover. But you can and will be able to do it. Have faith in yourself 🤩

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to LLMc

Thank you so much! I’m learning the important of rest days now I was trying too much too soon!

Fatdid profile image

Hi, really well done for starting out and don't give up!!! I was exactly the same as you 10 weeks ago ... I couldn't run for 1 minute without stopping and it took me 6 attempts to manage week 1. I ran 5 min out of 8 on my first attempt and for the next 5 runs I increased a bit at a time and slowed right down (I'm sure people were walking faster than me!). But this coming wednesday I complete the last week of C25K and I am now running for 30 mins without stopping. Still cant believe i have done it as it seemed as impossible as you are feeling now ... you can do this!!!!

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Fatdid

Well done! That’s amazing, i bet that’s such a buzz. I’ve just done it and gone the whole way by slowing it right down! I’m so so pleased!! And yes, I definitely felt like a snail could overtake me haha :)

Fatdid profile image
Fatdid in reply to Popsicalafragelistic

Oh yay, that's amazing, really well done!!!

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Fatdid

Thank you! 😊 Ican’t actually believe it haha

Greyandold profile image

Hi Pops, Congratulations, you’ve got past the most difficult part, you made a start on the C25K and also owned up to this blog and it’s thousands of members that you’re finding it hard, that’s very brave of you and shows you have determination. You are off of the Couch!

You’ve received many helpful training tips replies to your blog. If you can’t manage the eight one minute runs in week one, do 1 or 2 runs and walk the rest, there are no rules in the C25K it’s up to what you feel you can manage but please stick at it because your breathing and stamina will get better I promise, and you have the support of thousands of C25K bloggers who want you to succeed. Try doing a 2-3k walk frequently, you’ll be amazed how easy it seems after a few weeks. I’m 77 years old and I have been doing the C25K for the last three years to keep myself going. This morning I did W9R1 at 7:15am in glorious sunshine along a country lane. I found the run hard but the emotional uplift I got from being out in the wonderful countryside was worth the pain. Stick at it Pops, I look forward to hearing from you with some good news of your running.

Popsicalafragelistic profile image
Popsicalafragelistic in reply to Greyandold

Hey! That sounds wonderful your run down the country lanes - I bet it’s beautiful in the morning with the birds singing.

Thank you so much for your encouragement, everyone’s been so helpful and I’m pleased to say that today I did it! I managed to do it without stopping and without pausing 💪🏼 I did the slow jog, and I feel very happy right now 😊

All thanks to this lovely community!

Tinytears60 profile image

Awww Pops - definitely NOT too unfit!... loving your description of being attached to the couch.... it was my safe haven too!

You have run some of them!.. not all but some so well done!..

In fact well done for even getting off the couch and starting!....

Take it slow... stay on the weeks as long as you need... its not a race... its your individual journey!... and you have started it.....

stay on the same one until you have completed before moving on to the next.... try slow jogging but if you find you can;t complete all then walk ... its no biggie... it WILL come!

I couldnt believe before i started this how difficult 1 min of running actually was... and I'm opn week 6 now.. so if i can do it then I am positive anybody can!

Stick with it.. and keep posting so we can give you support and celebrate with you x

I did the week 1 run! - just an update for you guys, I completed the week 1 run today for the first time completely without pausing! I’m so so pleased and really couldn’t have done it without your motivation and helpful tips. I slowed it right down and copied the YouTube tutorial of slow jogging (I definitely felt like a snail could overtake me but that’s ok!).

I’m so motivated now and really pleased, thank you again 😊

Thank you! It’s so easy to get unfit and like a coach potato haha

I’m so pleased I tried slowing it down with the jogging (I was definitely at a snails pace), but I managed to do it and I can’t believe it! It’s such a buzz.

Now I feel even more determined thanks to everyone’s support and encouragement!

JoePhoto profile image

Hi popsi...etc! Just go gently but determinedly... Better do 10 steps jogging than 10 more minutes on the couch... then 15 steps... Find your own rhythm but push it, just a bit, every time - and then consolidate! Go gently, with resolve... I'm asthmatic, before this didn't believe I would be able to... But it's worked! It's GREAT! You might want to check with your GP if your asthma's flaring. I found, 4 weeks in, that my breathing improved dramatically... children with asthma are encouraged to play brass instruments - loads of puff needed! Walk, jog ( Japanese Slow jogging?!), run... fly! All best!

Elfrun profile image

He I've read your post correctly you are trying to run daily, the program specs alternative days but every 3 days is ok too, run slowly, very slowly and be patient with yourself it takes practise and time

Okayletsdothis profile image

You are not alone I’ve struggled with week 1 I have fell short of completing the 60 second runs I’m contemplating just repeating week 1 until it becomes easier. I have mild asthma the cold air isn’t helping with this. Xx

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