Week 1 COMPLETE!: I am SO proud of myself. I... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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MWattsit profile image
42 Replies

I am SO proud of myself. I literally am so overweight and SO unfit and could hardly run the 60 seconds on R1. Week 1 completed. Run 1 and 2 were hard, needed a few minutes of break time. Run 3 I just completed continuously and felt much easier and I bloody did it!!!!!!!!

Time for some nice new trainer treats I think 😃 starting to believe this really does work...

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MWattsit profile image
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42 Replies
Oldman_runclub profile image

Thank you for this post. I have just started and so to see some one so happy making progress is inspiring 👏🏾👍🏾

MWattsit profile image
MWattsit in reply to Oldman_runclub

If I can do it, my god you can! Go for it!

Bassmamma15 profile image

Well done you. I’m overweight too due to hypothyroidism. (used to be slim). Don’t give up. I found first week a bit tough, week two better. I’m struggling in week three but only a little, I don’t get out of breath but calves sore so may rest two days between as no point killing myself. I got bath with salts really works x

MWattsit profile image
MWattsit in reply to Bassmamma15

Thanks for your reassuring comment, great advice. I won't give up - I feel so determined now!!

Delgirl82 profile image
Delgirl82 in reply to Bassmamma15

Hi I have same as you overweight and hypothyroidism also burning calves. What’s the best treatment for this and can it be avoided ?

Good luck I’ve just started week two after two weeks on week one !

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done.

We recommend that you complete each session fully before moving on, as explained in the guide to the plan, so it would be worth repeating the W1 session fully another couple of times.

Remember, this is about building up your stamina, not a tickbox exercise and you can already see the improvement.

Keep it up.

MWattsit profile image
MWattsit in reply to IannodaTruffe

That's great advice, thanks. So as I have had a break in my first 2 runs I should rerun them before moving on?

That makes sense and is more encouraging as I really really felt a difference today being able to run it all and control my breathing.

Think I'm catching the running bug...

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to MWattsit

Yes, that repeat will just make you stronger and confident that you can tackle the next week.

Do please read the guide, if you haven't already healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

CrazyJoy profile image

Well done. Isn’t it a great feeling? I’m 48 and am sooo proud of myself I thought I was going to die run 2 but tonight felt so much easier - I found a pace. Feeling really motivated for week 2 - good luck and keep us posted at the end of week 2

MWattsit profile image
MWattsit in reply to CrazyJoy

Go you!! I'm loving having all this support. It's like you're all my personal trainers 😃 good luck!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to CrazyJoy

Welcome to the forum and well done on

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Enjoy your journey.

J19mills profile image

Well done! Keep up the good work

charswee profile image

Awesome ❤️

Millertime83 profile image

Well done that it is amazing! You are doing so well, keep it up and definitely treat yourself to some new trainers ☺️

Fab well done you.. I've just sent for some new shoes.... I'm on wk 5...you'll not believe you can do this but you can xxxxx

Sofie2019 profile image

Well done keep going

Jonnystaffs profile image

Well done and keep going. If you want to repeat a week to build it up, do so. It doesn't have to be nine weeks. When you get to the end you will be amazed at how far you have come.

Oldwoman65 profile image

Well done you for getting started. Keep up the good work. It's a great feeling, hold on to that to see you through

Gettingfitslowly profile image

Well done. Go you!!!!

lottilou66 profile image

Well done you. Bet you thought you couldn’t do it. You know what you nailed it. Keep up the good work. Remember we are all stronger than we give ourselves credit for.

Well done!!! I'm on W2R2, completed it today...it's hard but totally achievable.... keep believing in yourself ❤️

Allbarron profile image

Oh yes!!! Well done. This really does what it says on the tin. 12 weeks ago I was tired, lethargic and anxious. A totally unfit over 50 lacking the will and time to do anything. The first step was hard but worth it. The messages here as I regularly posted progress were amazing. Really use this forum for advice and encouragement. Believe in the.process, make run days non negotiable but rest when you need to. I didn't do this in 9 weeks but that doesn't matter. Keep going MWattsit it's worth it👍🏃🏃

kifkaf profile image

Congratulations! I have just completed week 1 too! Keep up the great work and positivity 😀

Maccy1968 profile image

Well done x

vespamoo profile image

Well done you!

It's always good to see someone taking that difficult first step and tackling week one.

I'm sure you will have good and bad weeks, good and bad runs in future - we all do - but stick with it. It works.

BKnickerleg2 profile image

Well done!! I am really overweight too and started the programme (again) last week. Good for me to get some inspiration- keep going and you will get there!!

Bloomsbury22 profile image

Well done you! Am in a similar boat, and honestly, getting out the front door is the biggest battle. Hold on to the feeling of achievement and remember how good it feels after if you are struggling. 🌸

Weavil profile image

Well done. That first week is the hardest I reckon. You've conquered the most difficult hurdle. Keep it up!

Lifegoals83 profile image

Well done that's amazing. I'm on w2 r3 today. I couldn't even run for 10 seconds let alone 1.5 mins. Finding slowing my pace down helps. Nevertheless still hard but so rewarding. Well done and good luck with next run xxxx

Newbie12 profile image

Well done that really great !!

Orl365 profile image

Well done!! I am at week 7 run 2 and really credit the program for giving me confidence and me-time in these challenging times. I echo other comments that a lot of the battle is in the mind...will I look daft in Lycra, what will the neighbours think of me running/lumbering past, can I really run for 5 minutes without stopping...but keep going and you will smash it I am sure!! Good luck 👍

Wendywoosnam profile image

Well done!

Salzy profile image

Well done you, I felt awful after my first week and am now on week 5 and although it's not easy I'm pushing myself and enjoying it, I have a 20 min run on day 3! A scary thought but I will do it!

Very proud of you lovely x

Chezjmc profile image

Absolutely brilliant, you’ve made that big leap, my top tip is never be afraid of going to the next week but also don’t beat yourself up if you do the same week again, it’s always more than sitting on the coach , took me about 15 weeks the first time to do it , second time ( yes I did it all again! ) I did it in the 9 weeks . Well done 👍🏻

MildredNfk profile image

You should be proud of yourself😁 it's a great feeling. I'm overweight & never thought I'd be able to run & like you struggled through the first runs. I'm now on week 9, running for 30 minutes & loving it 😍

Well done & keep up the good work 👍👏

Flattttt profile image

Music and running in zone 2 (conversational pace) make a running much much easier. Can really help on some of these runs

Elfrun profile image

Well done you keep it up

I just completed week 1 this morning too! I haven’t run since school days, now I’m 50. I never thought I would be able to do it!! Taking it one run at a time - I’m not thinking about the nine weeks - just getting through each individual run. We can do this!!! Good luck to you 👍👍

Rungranny profile image

Brilliant start. This will definitely work believe me. You just have to have faith in the plan and in your self.

Make sure to take the rest days , or just take a walk or some pilates or yoga on the rest days.

Go as slow as its possible to go and if you need to repeat a run cos it didn't go to plan that's fine. It's now called a practice run.

You will be so chuffed with yourself in a few weeks. Keep posting as we will be dying to cheer you on.

Well done , take it slowly and keep going!

Onestep12 profile image

Fantastic to read! Step by step go for it! I’ve just restarted myself after getting to the end last year x

Dolphin-Girl profile image

Yay you! Good luck...

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