I completed couch to 5k yesterday. Kept it all to my self for a day. A special gift just for me. I'm joining the consolidation group in january as I know this is the tricky time.
I cannot recommend c25k highly enough.
Inches have disappeared from my waistline. And I've gained energy and an excitement for life.
I feel great.
Running early in the morning is a joy. A few days ago I ran in Buxton park and watched pensioners tying knitted Angel's on trees. I've called the coastguard when I saw a distress flare a few weeks ago whilst running in Dorset and I ran in dimly lit streets in dusseldorf, Amsterdam and The Gower whilst my family slept. One day they may see the delights of an unexplored day.
I run very slowly. My knees are stronger that ever and so are my ankles.
I could have not done this journey without the support of this forum. Thank you to all for everyone's enthusiasm. So I'm joining the consolidation group and see you there. PS how do I get my graduation badge please ?