I just had to share this, I'm like a dog with two tails tonight! I've been following Laura since November and I ran into an injury around Christmas. I've been trying to rest, ice etc and keep going as I'm desparate to finish. I got new running shoes (gait analysis, advised by physio) about 3 weeks ago, but because my injury has been stiff and tender I was losing the will to live. So id almost given up but a friend told me about a running group. Beginners. Along the prom she said so I thought I'd give it a go. Maybe I'm causing the injury and maybe some advice and support would help. Well it's been tipping down all day. I've brought all my running gear to work including spangly new shoes. I've been mulling it over all day. Little voices in head saying...you can't do this, you're not a runner. And the rain has been torrential, but I turned up for the group joining twelve other hardy souls. And I ran with a running group. I RAN WITH A RUNNING GROUP. UNBELIEVABLE. I've never run in front of anyone before. And I wasn't last. And my ankle didn't hurt and the running felt glorious and easy and I could DO IT. WOW. GET ME. CHUFFED TO BITS. just thought you lot would understand. Husband however thinks I'm mad.........
How brave am I?: I just had to share this, I'm... - Couch to 5K
How brave am I?

Ahh, brilliant to hear Sparky. I'm happy to run with others (sort of) at Parkrun but feel very nervous about joining a club or group as I'm sure I'd be slowest, last etc. Well done you.

Yay, Get you Sparky ! Ha ha
Well done and in torrential rain too !
You should feel very , very proud of yourself tonight !
Brilliant post, really warmed mi' cockles did that !
Hope youre all wrapped up nice and cosy now, very Well done to you , what a trooper xxx

You're not mad! That sounded heavenly!

Thanks poppypug, when I got in my 3 year old was in the bath so I jumped in with him and got warmed up. Then we got our jammys on. He said he would join my running group as well. What a sweetie. I'm doing this to stay fit for him. Can't believe how much I'm getting out of this running lark.

Ah useitorloseit, I knew you'd understand! Xxxxx

Sounds wonderful well done for sticking with it all. I'm like you, is this ME...a runner?!!!!! Keep smiling

That's fantastic, Sparky, you must feel amazing! I can feel your happy vibes from here!
Oh well done Sparky! Running in the rain can be good fun but you have to get over your head telling you that it will be awful!

Well done Sparky! You are indeed brave and I'm sure you will love the group.and make great progress. You should be proud!

Great stuff Sparky! You are completely not mad. It's everyone else who are mad. Running in the rain is quite useful at times and you'll find that out if you keep running all year round, which i hope you will.
You have spangly new shoes so you have to keep running now. Great idea to run with a group! I run with one now and love it.

Your right about the spangly new shoes miss wobble, a real incentive to keep going. And the rain was somewhat liberating and if I waited for a dry day here on the Isle of man I'd be waiting a very long time!😊

great story...