First consolidation run, first run not because I had to but because I wanted to, purposely tried to take it slow and just enjoy it but I found going slower felt harder than going my normal pace??? Anyway as usual it seems the only part I truly enjoyed was the last 5 mins when I felt like I could run for days! I really hope at some point the whole 30 mins will feel like that?? 🤪🤘🤪🤘
Running just for the “fun” of it: First... - Couch to 5K
Running just for the “fun” of it

I’m on week 9 and about to reach that point. I think you just need to push on, keep running and it will work!

I agree! I start off thinking I may fall over or that I will really struggle. I laugh to myself that I must be the slowest runner ever just like when I was a child. I was very asthmatic when younger so was never be able to run. Then it slightly eases and then the American chap on Runkeeper suddenly tells me that I’m running at 7 minutes per k which shocks me and makes me laugh again! Sometimes it’s even less!! Now I’m running 5k I must say that I’m certainly ready to stop but at 20minutes it was just when I was feeling that I could stretch my stride. Enjoy running and keep smiling!!😀

Go you.... runs for pure joy I called them
Just run at your own pace and enjoy it
The time for consolidation is fun... I took at least two weeks before moving onto something more formal ( for want of a better word).
Then, maybe, try to mix your runs up? New routes, short routes and the lovely, long relaxed routes... just see where you get to, runs.
They are the ones that build up the running legs ( they are very new) and the strength and the stamina
Let it all evolve... and very well done you!
Unfortunately due to work all my running is on a treadmill so no new routes just the same old wall 😂 am trying to vary it with incline but in my head if I move up 1% I’m running up Everest! 🤪🤘🤪🤘
Oh right.... I am sorry.. I always, wrongly ) assume folk are out of doors... you are doing wonderfully... can you watch Virtual runs...I use my YouTube Virtual runs to keep me happy when I have to use my treadmill when it is icy!!
Slow and steady mate ,thats the key. I found yesterdays run a nightmare and could of easily stopped after 4k but we're soldiers and we fight on until the bitter end 🤣🤣👌✌

Well done, isn't it great to go out for a run just because you can and not because you have to 😊