Am I the only one who doesn’t seem to be getting any ‘better’ at running or am I not being patient enough? I really enjoy the first 2 runs or so and then I’m very quickly counting down til the end or just really conscious of how long is left?! I’ve been taking my American bulldog Lola who is absolutely loving the extra exercise! As you can see she’s exhausted after 😂
Finished week1: Am I the only one who doesn’t... - Couch to 5K
Finished week1

Great for starting c25k. It will get better you just have to be patient . As you are only on wk1 your body needs time to adjust. Your dog seemed to enjoy it anyway 😊😊

Give it time the improvement will come, early days

Way too early I'm afraid! Give it time, Rome wasn't built in a day... runners take some time too! 👍😉
You'll find you'll feel differently in a couple of weeks.
Have you read the guide to the programme?

hi Roweyja03, welll done for starting and sticking with the programme. I must admit to you that I found some runs especially hard and the enjoyment bit was at the end 😳 Other runs were ok and I felt better. Just keep it slow 🐢 and try and stick with it, you have started something really positive👍 oh and love to Lola, she gorgeous bless her😊

I’m on week 1 as well. I’m just taking things very steady and I’ll follow the week by week plans the best I can. I know it’s going to be hard and it scares me a little bit but all I can do is my best. Just take things as they come and enjoy the challenge.

I've just finished week 8 but I'm still really slow and my breathing has only just starting to get a bit easier this week. We are all different and have to work with the body we've got and accept it takes time. Even though I'm slow and huff and puff as I start off - it is miraculous progress for me to be able to run for 28 minutes without stopping in just 8 weeks. Keep at it.
That’s brilliant!! I just can’t see myself being able to jog for that long at all!!
You will - trust the programme, take your time, repeat days or wks if you feel you need to, stay hydrated, take as many rest days as you need and you’ll surprise yourself!
I completed W8 last week and came back about 1hr ago from W9R1 and found it easier than last wk - we’re all different, have ups and downs and progress at diff rates, so what 1 person finds easy, another will find it hard 🤗 x

Great job. Every run makes you a better runner, but it’s a gradual thing... you may not notice it happening. You will feel your fitness rising and strength increasing though. Enjoy week 2.