Tubs!!: Got called "tubs" at work today by a... - Couch to 5K

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igottagetthruthis profile image

Got called "tubs" at work today by a customer. Meant to start w2r1 tomorrow and am feeling deflated and ready to give up altogether! I fear i may be prosecco bound tonight. Any kind words to get me out of this downward spiral would be appreciated. Feel like a failure as i have only completed week 1 and am already talking about giving up!!

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igottagetthruthis profile image
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42 Replies
JellyJac profile image

Cheek! I bet that lovely person couldn't have ran as far as you did last week!

I would take this as reason to "show them" and go out for a lovely run.. in two months time you will be running for 30 mins... who will be the Tubs then?

... and just think how much sweeter that Prosecco will taste when it is a reward for running when you didn't want to!

I always found the "I don't wanna run" runs the most rewarding when finished..


DiscoRunner profile image

Don’t let the thoughtless nonsense of a stranger control your desires about your own health and wellbeing. You’ve started an amazing journey - and you will be so thrilled with your progress if you get out there and start w2. You’re not a failure, you’re learning to be a runner! This is such a good thing for your mind and your body. Would you like the negative self critical voice to go away? Keep running! Would you like to lose some fat from around your waist? Keep running! Would you like to feel strong and toned? Keep running! Very soon you will start to feel the benefits of c25k so don’t give up yet. And if you’re struggling with the running - slow down! Your brisk walk can be faster than your run! And if you like a slower pace I can highly recommend this Japanese slow jogging technique m.youtube.com/watch?v=9L2b2... I run this way all the time and love it! So don’t let that mean sod put you off - you can be a runner, just trust the plan and you’ll get there! x

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to DiscoRunner

Thanks for the advice. Very good clip will try that tomorrow. W2R1 i will do it!!

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to igottagetthruthis

Your customer was a rude dinosaur, and you will be a runner!’ I too love the Japanese slow running technique and am currently relying on it to help me out of an injury trough. Go for it and show the world! 👍👏🏼🎉

Debston profile image

What a rude idiot! Do NOT let this person have the power to undo all your good work!

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to Debston

Takes a lot to upset me but that comment almost had me in tears. Think it was because i had been so good completing my first week and have knocked the booze on the head i just felt completely deflated!! but screw him i will complete my w2r1 tomorrow. He wasn't exactly slim!!

JellyJac profile image
JellyJacGraduate in reply to igottagetthruthis

Don't let the rudeness of a stranger ruin all the good work you have already done - you can definitely do this! Come back and tell us how your revenge run went haha

Debston profile image
DebstonGraduate in reply to igottagetthruthis

That's the spirit! And well done for cutting back on the booze - I need to try that! I know you wouldn't stoop to his level but next time you see him, just imagine all of us looking him up and down and thinking "You're not exactly all that, yourself, love!"

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to Debston

Ha ha!! i like that thanks you have really cheered me up.

Ckj06 profile image

I’ve had a similar experience today 😡My colleague who I have not seen for almost a month due to both of us having annual leave said to me today “why have you put on weight?” . I felt very deflated and annoyed by her directness. I was feeling more energetic than in a long time and feeling more confident and about to embark on wk3r1 tonight. I wanted to lash out and say “why are you so rude?” but was flummoxed by her question. I wasn’t feeling like I’d put on weight recently but am now. If anything I was feeling a bit trimmer. I was already feeling daunted by wk3 but had mentally got myself in a position where I was going to slow it down and try it and see how it does as if I don’t try then I don’t know.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Ckj06

You should have said "why are you so rude!" What a rude and horrible opinion to give without being asked!!

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to Ckj06

We can do this! Everyone is right at least we are doing something about it. At the end of this we will be fitter and healthy for it. Go us!!🏅

Ckj06 profile image
Ckj06Graduate in reply to igottagetthruthis

We can do this and we will. Go us!! ✋🏼 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏽‍♂️🥇🏆

DiscoRunner profile image
DiscoRunnerGraduate in reply to Ckj06

So sorry you had to go through that today. Some people are just downright awful. Maybe it was the green eyed monster and she was jealous!

Slowing down is a great way to tackle the longer durations - my first breakthrough was learning that my brisk walk could be faster than my run! And then I saw this m.youtube.com/watch?v=9L2b2... And I still run this way & love it. Don’t fear W3 - i remember the worry of this run, but actually slowing down was how I did it, and felt a huge sense of achievement. You’ll smash it! x

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to DiscoRunner

thanks it was a he. I have moved on and been sent this clip already and will deffo use it. thanks for the support.

DiscoRunner profile image
DiscoRunnerGraduate in reply to igottagetthruthis

Oh sorry I was posting for Ckj06 - who’d also had a horrid person say cruel things today. So lovely to read all the support for you today x

Ckj06 profile image
Ckj06Graduate in reply to DiscoRunner

Thanks for your support. Onwards and upwards! Everyone on here is so amazing and kind. Really helps spur you on x

Fabulous450 profile image
Fabulous450Graduate in reply to Ckj06

Forget her Ckj!! You just wait until she’s saying how well you look! Then you can just smile a big knowing smile and tell her she might want to do the C25K programme. Her opinion doesn’t change how amazing you already are, nor will it change how even more amazing you’re going to be! Just watch her eat those words!! 😉👌🏽❤️

Ckj06 profile image
Ckj06Graduate in reply to Fabulous450

Definitely. Feeling great after tonight’s run. Thanks for your support x

JellyJac profile image

Jealousy has a nasty tongue.... ignore them, or use their rudeness to spur you on.. that is what I did. you have both already done the hard bit by getting off the couch

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Don't let someone else control how you feel about yourself or the programme.

What anyone else thinks is their problem... you've made a great choice, commit to it and yourself. You will be the one with the acheivement at the end and they will be still stuck on the sofa, bemoaning their inability to fix their own problems.

Don't let them hold you back! 💪💪💪🤞👍

ArthurJG profile image

I can’t get my head round that. Not a family member or a close friend but a CUSTOMER? On what planet is it appropriate to make a remark like that in a work setting? Don’t let it get you down. It could be worse: you could be them.

JellyJac profile image
JellyJacGraduate in reply to ArthurJG

I thought the same Arthur.

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to ArthurJG


You can always lose weight, they'll always be an idiot. (i'm being kind when I say idiot)

Oldfloss profile image

Well you could ask the person to rearrange the letters in Tubs..to indicate that they are a pain in our 'but(t)...!

Or simply ignore...😉

You are here...you are running...feel proud...

Take it steady and slow...have that glass of prosecco..raise it to yourself..and then head outt tomorrow and run!

LeeU profile image

The best ways I learnt was to just smile and let it go over you, the thing is this, the hardest run in this program is the first one, you've done that one so why give up, you'd only be playing into their hands and living up to what they think you are, NOT what you want to be.

Before you think I'm not fat and I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm 6ft and currently weigh over 20 stone and I've completed C2K previously too.

You will lose weight, the first time I completed the program I lost 3 stone and then, due to medical issues I stopped running and put it all back on (plus a bit more).

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to LeeU

Thankyou for you kind words. I have decided to take the morale high ground and will not let 1 plonker ruin what i have already acheived. 😊

HeavyFoot profile image

About 100 years ago, Elenor Roosevelt the US president’s wife said “nobody can belittle me without my permission”. That phrase sees me through crap like your customer dished out.

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to HeavyFoot

Excellent. I’ll remember that for when it’s needed. 😄

WatcherF profile image

Some People make my blood boil.

That guy should be ashamed of himself. They have no idea how much one word can affect someone.

I think there are two ways you can deal with this:

1) ignore him completely. He clearly has no idea what he is talking about and his opinion isn't worth the time it took him to express it.

2) and my preferred option. Use this as extra motivation....make your runs and do it at your own pace. Then whe you are comfortable (and you WILL get comfortable .. trust the plan) wait for him to say something and simply offer him the chance to run with you for a few minutes.

Its a pleasantry that you can make with no hint of rebuttal but when he declines (Which he probably will) you can be satisfied that he really doesn't have a clue.

If he accepts then just run with him...chances are you'll either outrun him, proving your point or (in an ideal world) find a running partner.

Whatever you do, don't give up. Your reasons for doing this are your own and, whatever they are, they are important. Don't let anyone else tell you different.

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to WatcherF

Hmm deffo option 1 as i wouldn't even entertain the idea, however slim of him as a running partner! lol. I will stick to all the great people on this forum for support.

Prettyrandom profile image

That’s outrageous - you show them!!

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to Prettyrandom

Will do. 👍👍

SpeedMaQueen profile image

Don’t give up because of one silly person’s insensitive and rude comment - you’ll regret letting them get the better of you! Go for it, fellow runner! 🙂

igottagetthruthis profile image
igottagetthruthis in reply to SpeedMaQueen

Thanks looking forward to w2r1 tomorrow bring it on!! Can't wait to rub his big fat nose in it. lol.

Jerichomile profile image

You did week 1 of C25K....you have a big group of fans here cheering you on, we’re right with you 👏👏👏 keep us posted, we care. You’re going to love running.....you’ll realise you’re strong, you’ll get gorgeous fresh air, you’ll realise you’re a hero. If you see that lousy customer again (or if anyone says something mean), look them up and down for a second then simply give them a MASSIVE smile. They’ll wonder what the hell you’re smiling at and you will have unsettled them no end 😂

Stevieplink profile image

You're going to lose weight and be fit. He will always be rude and obnoxious, I know who I would rather be.

UnfitNoMore profile image

What an a’hole. Unless your colleague is called Crockett of course.

There’s no way that person runs... you’ll get the last laugh here... no way they can run a mile none stop, and soon you will be doing that and more.

Sadly, there are these negatively judgmental people around... but they’re outnumbered by the supportive encouraging types. Don’t give in... never let the a’holes win. You’re amazing and you’re going to see that very soon.

Put that Prosecco on ice, in a couple of months it will taste so good after your W9R3.

Fabulous450 profile image

What?? 😱! How absolutely horrid and cruel!! 😠 Look ..... if people have to be nasty to someone else, it’s them who we need to feel sorry for! It’s usually done by people who are trying to feel adequate. But, you’re more than enough exactly as you are. You know what....you not only can do this, you should use those comments as fuel. This is not for anyone but YOU! So please don’t let anyone have that kind of influence over what you do and certainly not about whether you carry on.

You go out there and do YOU! Put that comment in the history garbage where it belongs. Complete for YOU! And be the YOU that you want to be. You can do this!! 💪🏽❤️

Coolcookingteacher profile image

How insulting and rude. How tempted were you to slap that person??? This forum is great for supporting and motivating you on. Have a go at Week 2, don’t plan too far ahead, just do Run 1 and see how it goes.

katherinejane1 profile image

What a w⚓️! Remember you’re awesome, and you’re doing this for you. 🙌

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