Back to the start again! I did the whole thing last year and did 2 10k July and September then stopped. Life, colds, coughs, plus apathy got in the way so I am back to the start. I thought I would just do week 1, 1st run then perhaps skip a couple of weeks as I had done it all before. NO WAY!! A minute running just seemed so long so I am doing the whole thing week by week again. Why is it so easy to get unfit and so much harder to get fitter?
Starting again: Back to the start again! I did... - Couch to 5K
Starting again

Welcome back.
Do check out the guide to the plan it is full of tips.

Like you I completed last year and let things go. Started again and now at wk7...enjoying maybe too strong a word but I’m glad I started again. Hang in there xx

😄 This made me chuckle and reminded me of my horse riding days - as I got older, three weeks off was enough to turn my legs to jelly after I got back on! Good luck with the renewed running fitness. 👏🏼

Hi, its been more than a year since I ran too. I am planning to start again tomorrow, Maybe we can buddy each other along.
What great idea. Due to family commitments I can rarely run Tuesday and never on Wednesday and Thursday which messes up having days off in between. Bit I am determined to get back into it. let me know how you get on
Hi I will keep in touch I'm hoping to run every other day too .. after thought today and advice from others I'm going back to the beginning of the programme again. Might seem easy when I start but hopefully it will mean I stay injury free. You take care and I look forward to hearing how you get on too. xx