Went to a sports therapist yesterday whom gave my legs a good going over - she thinks my quad is just slightly strained and said I could run if I wanted to so repeated Week 6 Run 2 with a longer cool down walk and extra stretches. Wasn’t pain free but didn’t feel any worse - typing this with a hot water bottle on my thigh hoping and praying i can get back to it properly soon 🤞🏻
Slow and steady: Went to a sports therapist... - Couch to 5K
Slow and steady

That’s good to hear... well, you know, better than it could have been. Celebrate the fact you can go have a run, follow the advice of the physio and you’ll be back to your normal running in no time.
At least the professional said you could continue to run - albeit carefully. Both my painful calf episodes took about 10 days to heal but I just ran slowly and gently and had an extra day off between runs. I did discover one pain/strain trigger was me running sideways whilst looking behind me for a car approaching - I made sure I didn’t repeat that move! As you run maybe see if you can identify any “circumstances” that make it hurt more and avoid that until it heals completely.
Thanks for the advice -will bare that in mind. I hurt my leg not even running - I was reaching for a bloody dumbbell that had rolled away and overstretched 🙄 was so annoyed with myself
Dumbbell! You really are going for it! Proper training between runs - no wonder you can already do 5k under 30 mins 👏 . I did spend Monday and Tuesday childminding a 21 month old toddler - that involved quite a bit of heavy lifting. I could watch her wander off in the park safe in the knowledge I could easily run fast and catch her thanks to c25k 😁
It wasn’t mine - it was my husbands - it had rolled in front of the freezer and I was trying to get the chocolate eclairs out 🤣🤣Looking after a toddler is more demanding than any person trainer session!
Hahaha! Brilliant - trying to get to the chocolate eclairs. I had imagined you were this insanely fit goddess swinging dumbbells about on your ‘rest’ days 🤣