I’m on week 6 run 3 and I have just come back from my run....honestly stopped atleast 3 times! I have been poorly with a virus and working, but I am so disappointed in myself! I feel like I need to start from the beginning again!
Why have I hit a brick wall?! : I’m on week... - Couch to 5K
Why have I hit a brick wall?!

The virus will have taken something out of you, and your immune system may still be finishing it off. Chalk that one up as a comeback run, rest and relax and then slow and steady as you take it on again... you can do it.

Why so hard on yourself. You've answered your own question why you had to stop three times. Viruses take a lot out of you. Get better and then repeat that run. There's absolutely no need to start from scratch.

I have also hit a wall this week but in week 8 and I also now have a virus. When I was doing weeks 6 and 7 I discovered that leaving two days between runs rather than just one really seemed to help.

It's definitely the virus so don't be hard on yourself. A virus can takes ages to recover from even though we feel ok there are still nasty bugs lingering trying to bring us down.
Take your time, there is no hurry to get through the programme and it'll be better and more enjoyable when you're 100%. Just rest up, eat lots of good food and get plenty of sleep. Don't worry, you can still take time off and not have to go back to the beginning.
I think the others here have answered your question. Be kind to yourself, rest & come back running 👍🏻
Thank you all! I’ve been exhausted since I got back...so definitely not 100% x
You shouldn't feel disappointed at all, a heavy workload and a virus will definitely slow you down, be kind to yourself and recover from the virus and then carry on , even a break of 1 - 2 weeks won't affect your progression to much and should be able to carry on 😊
hope you feel better soon

Thank you! I’ve been so proud of my progression so far , will definitely be a little easier on myself 😊

In answer to your question.......... you have been poorly with a virus...........