What is Your Week? September...Week 4 - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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What is Your Week? September...Week 4

Oldfloss profile image
51 Replies

Good morning everyone...

This month, it is my turn to bring us all together, in the What is Your Week chat.

The forums are still getting many, many new members on a daily basis and the weather is not stopping folk running! A chilly and wet start to yesterday did not put folk off either.

This photograph was taken again, on one of my runs. I sometimes stop and watch the ducks here, and have a little breather:)

The weather is a factor for our runs... and this week, after the cold start, temperatures are set to rise again...but, as ever, we are able, hopefully, to still find the time and the opportunity to complete our runs.

With numbers increasing, it is great, to have a little fun post ,so we can see who is on which week, of the programme, and hopefully it will help everyone to feel more included on the forum.

We can support, encourage and generally help each other, in a positive and friendly way, with no thought of comparison.

Please remember it doesn't matter if you stay on the same week for a while, that is fine; it is a journey and it really doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be so worth it when you get to the final run.

If you have just graduated, also, this will be a great place to keep you motivated,and there is always the Quest on the Bridge to 10k forum as well for graduates.

So, come and join the fun.... Let us know how it is going :)

Oldfloss xx

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Oldfloss profile image
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51 Replies
embobs profile image

Good morning! I’m on wk6r2 which I’ll be doing later today. I’m looking forward to no more interval runs after this one! Onwards and upwards. 🏃‍♀️👍🏻

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to embobs

Wonderful; the super, relaxed runs... well done. Enjoy!

tomthumb1 profile image

good morning oldfloss and everyone,so this is my first post. just completed w4 r1, slightly apprehensive on the way out this morning, but as normal really pleased i did, especially as half way through the first 5min run, i'm sure i reached that place where every thing seems to settle down and got into a steady rythm, breathing seemed to get ever so slightly easier and even found my mind starting to wander a bit and just plodded on. down side my route takes me across open fields long grass heavy dew so my feet got soaking wet, but thats fine, suppose thats the little boy still in me. well have a good day everyone xx tomthumb1

emily-m profile image
emily-mGraduate in reply to tomthumb1

The mind wandering thing, when it happens, is my favourite bit of running. Well done. 👏🏼

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to tomthumb1

Wonderful... that is what the running is all about for many of us.. losing ourselves and taking it all in :)

emily-m profile image

Morning everyone! Week 8 for me this week.

First really cold morning this morning. Fortunately this is my rest day. The long-sleeved top might have to debut tomorrow though.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to emily-m

Winter draws on... lovely long runs.. start slow, stay slow..enjoy!

DNB2512 profile image

It's my week 6. Run 2 tomorrow, so the last one with breaks in it. My past efforts to get running have been stopped by chronic shin splints - probably caused by doing too much too quickly. So far I've had a few twinges, but nothing I can't live with and it's not getting worse, so I'm really hoping Cto5k will be the answer. Looking forward to "proper" running once tomorrow is out of the way.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to DNB2512

Slow and steady and gently relax into the longer runs.. well done you!

AlMorr profile image

Hi there Floss, lovely photo you posted with your very interesting report on this months forum. All I have to report is that I reran this morning W5R3, yes 20 minutes of running 🏃 none stop slow and steady,🏃😊 I'm rerunning some of the weeks because I was on the IC due to a right sore hip a few weeks ago but it isn't sore any more. This Wednesday I'll run W6R3 and this Saturday I'll run W8R1 and hopefully I'll be able to complete the training course a second time very soon.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to AlMorr

All sounding sensible and positive... very well done you!

Amandana profile image

Week 3 Run 1 completed this morning. I very nearly stayed in bed but a gentle nudge from hubby got me up, and then I very nearly did week 2 for the 4th time, but I'd deleted the podcast so the path of least resistance was to just get on with week 3. So glad I did, feeling great now that I took on the challenge. My legs are feeling those 3 minute runs, and I'm looking forward to being done week 3 by 6:30am on Friday! I also got to see a gigantic golden full moon just before it set!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Amandana

That sounds awesome.. what a beautiful sight! very well done you!

Amandana profile image
Amandana in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks OF! :)

Pamadew profile image

Good afternoon. This is my first post/reply to a post on here but I have found the help and tips that I have received from reading the other posts absolutely invaluable. I have just completed Week 8 Run 2 this morning. I’m really enjoying running (something which I never thought could ever happen to me!) and I only have four more runs left until graduation, yay!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Pamadew

So close now.. relax into the runs and let the new legs find their happy pace:) Well done!

hudsondoglets profile image

Hi, just completed run 1 of week 7. And hope to do another Weds and the Fri ready to start week 8 next Monday. I run with my two dogs in our local woods and absolutely love it. I’ve never run in my life before this and cannot believe how addictive it is becoming 😬. I love this forum. Supportive and helpful. Good luck everyone else.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to hudsondoglets

Brilliant... sounds like some lovely running:)

Bubble17 profile image

Hi, new to this and running. This is my third attempt at couch to 5k. Bit of a poor record, haven’t got to week 4 before. Today is a personal best, week 4 run 1 completed and I am determined to get to week 9 and beyond this time. I have to fit in running around work and looking after 2 small children, running is the easiest option so hoping to stick at it this time

Oldfloss profile image

Very well done..another awesome parent :) x Slow and steady and fit things in when you can :)

donttrustaskinnycook profile image

My first post here. Completed week 1 today. Will be starting week 2 on Wednesday. Eeekkk!! Feeling motivated. Signed myself up to run a 5k in April. At the moment the idea of running 5k is insane.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to donttrustaskinnycook

Very well done you.. did you check the post out for Newbies?


Run49 profile image

I did my week 9 run 3 this evening and although it's taken me more than 9 actual weeks to get here, it still felt like a massive achievement. Not sure what I'll do without Jo Whiley in my ear egging me on though

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to Run49

Congratulations! It feels like a huge achievement because it is. Celebrate it well, be very very proud, and enjoy your next running adventure.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Run49

Huge Congratulations.... it goes on :)

Jalapenolover101 profile image

The beginning is a very good place to start, so I'm told 😁 So off I went! Just done w2 r3 today🎉 Goodness me, my legs !!!!! I'm not sure when it happened, or why, or by who but someone has replaced my calf muscles with lead weights 😬

Thanks for still being here Oldfloss 😉🌶x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jalapenolover101

Hello you!!!! Where have you been????

Go you!

Jalapenolover101 profile image
Jalapenolover101Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

On the couch, getting fat and unfit! 🙄😂

Seriously though life just got a bit weird and I lost motivation.

Never mind, back to it now. If I did it once surely I can do it again 💪🏃🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🌶

CarolineLou71 profile image

Hey, OldFloss, another lovely, encouraging post from you. I’m an oldie who just can’t leave the board - the posts are so helpful and part of me feels I haven’t really left the c25k ‘set’ yet because I can’t do 5k in 30mins - maybe never will, but I’m not fretting over it. Your words (and those of many of the board moderators) have stayed with me through running and non-running times, thank you - from the practical tips to the pure distraction of the appreciation for beautiful surroundings along the way. Running is the one, perhaps only, area in my life that I’ve achieved something for myself alone and in a very demanding world this has been very special. Thank you, as always. Happy running to all those currently doing c25k and beyond - you’ve found a good place here :-)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to CarolineLou71

Many folk never make the 30 minutes and the 5K...not in the same run :) You are doing wonderfully!

Maybe.. go and take a look at Consolidation and Continuation on Bridge to 10K.... it may give you some ideas for moving forward a little ?

CarolineLou71 profile image
CarolineLou71Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thx, @OldFloss, I followed your advice to press on back in the day and do go further, but very slowly. I continue to keep eyes and ears out for ideas but running gives me so much more than speed, as I’ve come to learn from the whole running community x

Marcia-H profile image

Lovely photo-best part of my run is the things you see-When I first started I ran on a road that was straight and flat despite having a lovely park at my doorstep! Now I’m uphill, on grass-wet feet, new trainers caked in mud but I love it! Being out there in the elements looking at nature and wildlife filling my lungs with fresh air!!

My next run is W6R2 which is crazy because starting out, that’s where all the hardcore experienced runners were at!!!! It really goes so quickly!

I’m a Mummy with a 2 year old and 8 month old, running with C25K is to get me out the house and focus on something else, plus have some ‘me’ time! Something I wanted to do before maternity leave is up! And it has given me so much more than this!!!

The running and programme are quite addictive, as is the forum! Reading everyone’s journey and the unbelievable replies from other fellow runners when you post are so encouraging!!!

I’m looking forward to graduation but at the same time want to stay here. The journey so far has been fab!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Marcia-H

It does rock doesn't it...? The support is incredible and it just goes on wherever your running takes you :)

I am in awe of you awesome Mamas and Dadas... I care for small runner in training two days a week and I count those two days as a real work out !!! Arms. core strength , legs...and everything else too!

Go you... very well done!

Jundal profile image

Mornin' all! I'm currently on 'find a big hill and beat it' week, I graduated several weeks ago and I'm just enjoying what I'm doing! I'm going to be moving up my distance, hopefully starting with a 6.5k tomorrow, (work permitting) and then I'll be finding another hill at the weekend.

Happy running everyone!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jundal

Upward and onward:)

Tartancat profile image
TartancatGraduate in reply to Jundal

Be careful Jundal- once you've conquered one hill you will want to conquer them all. It becomes addictive!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tartancat

I wish!!!

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Oh, they shall flatten before my GRLORIOUS RUNNING SKILLZ! *ahem* when actually, I simply enjoy them! I'd like to do some fell running, they're a bit hardcore, they are. But I'd have to put a decent amount of milage before I attempted that. At the moment, I'm at the 'bottom of my mountain' so to speak, but I'll get to the top, I'm actually planning on dropping to two runs a week for next month because of work, but each one will be built on the one before, and I have some wonderful inclines where I live, so I'll be attacking them!

Jundal profile image
JundalGraduate in reply to Jundal

Oh, and I'm taking the first week of November off hopefully, so adventures beckon!

MummyToMany profile image

Morning! What a beautiful start to the day, and week 7 for me. Can't believe what I've managed to achieve so far, in fact no one who knows me can... Wonder what that says about how they see me.. hmmm?!?! Anyway, thanks for all the ongoing encouragement from everyone on here, that has been a huge part of my success to date xxx

Oldfloss profile image

They say..."WOW!!!!!! Look at her go ! Wish it was me!..."

Huge well done !

Ellyk profile image

Good evening Oldfloss, I completed wk 7 run 2 today. Set off at 6 am under a lovely full moon and returned home with a beautiful sunrise and mist over the fields. Absolutely breathtaking ... and that was the view, not me! If my hands were not so cold I would have taken a photo but I did shout out 'it is great to be alive' ... so liberating but probably a good job that I live in the country with no one about! I love running in the morning first thing so I am going to have to get used to these cold dark starts, but it is a great opportunity for some thinking and reflection before I begin another long day at the chalk-face. I can't believe how far I have come over the last few weeks. I would have never believed that I would ever become a runner or that I would love it so much.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Ellyk

Brilliant..totally my kind of run....!

Huge well done...and so good that you are really enjoying this!

Ibot profile image

So as some of you know both my ears have been sick. They are not great but I feel better in myself so tomorrow going for Week3 Run2. I’m a bit nervous as I can’t use headphones so it will be phone singing load and proud.

Hopefully won’t embarrass myself too much.

I’m hoping it goes well as I have been signed off till the 5/10.


Good luck everyone 😘😘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Ibot

Please take this steadily...😊

Ibot profile image
Ibot in reply to Oldfloss


Bluep profile image

On my first post grad week .... missing my old running mate, Michael. May have to resurrect week 9 in the app to listen to his velvety tones of encouragement again.

Presume it won't "ungraduate" me?! Can you imagine lol

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluep

Gt some consolidation runs in..just because you can! Runs for pure joy,, then maybe take a look at the C25K+ podcasts... They are challenging but fun and although some folk find then tricky ( often because they try them too soon after Graduation)...they are really helpful for moving us forward:)

Bluep profile image
BluepGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks for that. It will help to keep me going.

I did 4.8k in around 37 mins at the weekend Plan is to do 2 x 30 mins during the week.

So think I'll do something like that for a little while.... 1 longer (hopefully, 5k) and 2 x 30 mins per week.... and then pick up the podcasts that you mention.

Thanks very much for the support :)

Cathkinboy profile image

W8R1 yday. On rest day and still cannot believe mAde it this far. Following programme to the letter and cannot speak highly enough of how it helps and what it can help achieve!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cathkinboy

Huge well done... and don't forget to start upping your rest day exercise too... Now your runs are getting longer, you need to work on your core strength and stamina too :)

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