First run in the rain & a toughy for me. Currently sitting with ice packs on both knees as they ached after my run today. Doesn’t hurt when l run just after. I’ve been doing my knee strengthening exercises on a regular basis too 🙄 Hope this doesn’t impede my progress
W5R1: First run in the rain & a toughy for me... - Couch to 5K

Oh what a shame Oldlady. Could hydration be a factor? It’s fairly muggy here this morning.
Well done on your first run. One step at a time. I've just completed my first run too and I'm determined to listen to my body and ensure I have a recovery day before the next run. This is my first experience of running ever, not easy. Keep it up Old lady, you can do it. 😀
Well done OL61. I wouldn’t put ice in ur knees after running. They may ache and become slightly inflamed but that’s ur bodies natural response and it’s counter productive to try and reduce the inflammation (for the first 48hrs)
We do advise this treatment

Take it easy, you are an old lady after all! 😂
I'd invest in some good knee supports, keep on with the knee strengthening exercises and if they keep hurting then hie thyself to the drs, missus! If you need an extra rest day, then take one. But, if there is any swelling, then please please please go to the drs. It's better safe than sorry.
Cheeky x
Thanks Jundal. I am an old lady for sure 🤣it’s the excuse l use with my grandchildren when l don’t want to do something ( dreadful old lady that l am 🤣🤣) Thankfully no swelling just an aching knees. Thanks for your reply & humour. Now off to look after the grandkids. Mummy is back to work today so my summer hols are over 😱😱😱
Sounds... Like hell if I'm honest! 😂
They are 6,4,3 & 2 & the weather is against us (peeing with rain) think it’s gonna be a long day. Wellies raincoats & a walk across the fields if the rain eases up a bit. Have a great day
Every Friday after playschool, I used take my two eldest children to find muddy puddles on the way home and we would jump in them, kick water at each other and usually come home soaked up to our pants. My wife always had towels and clean clothes and she'd smile as three boys (one of them a very big one!) Came in and immediately got changed. Muddy puddles are fun, as long as you have clean trousers waiting for you. 😄

Carry on with those knee exercises,,, slow and steady and landing lightly!!
This good advice.. and covers knees too.. PRICE treatment
If the pain persists.. get it checked out
Well done you!

It's so frustrating, ol61, when you're trying to get fit and your body rebels! I don't know whether ice is a good thing, if you haven't actually injured anything, but I am also not so bouncy as I once was, so I take extra care with warm-up and cool down stretches, and also with my running stride, I try to run within myself IYSWIM, and not stride out too far or bring my knees up too high.
Would different running shoes help? Oh, and well done for running in the rain ☔
Yep, the mind is willing & all that 😂. I purposely have a short stride whilst jogging. I tend to land on the ball of my foot, but think I’m quite heavy footed despite trying to land softly. Maybe a gait analysis is the way to go & new trainers. The trainers l have are 15+ years old & belonged to one of my daughters (really comfy though) Gonna have to bite the bullet 🤣🤣

🤣🤣 well, I have a pair that are older than my adult children, but I only wear them for doing DIY now. They don't make em like they used to 😂