Started couch to 5k in May was going so well got to w6r2 but went on holiday couldn't get back into it, started up again last week and I'm struggling was thinking should I start from beginning or go back a few weeks? Has anyone done this?
Should I start all over again : Started couch to... - Couch to 5K
Should I start all over again

People do. You won’t have lost as much as you think. What I’d do is lace my shoes and go out there with just a stopwatch and see what I had in the tank... then I’d start from a run decided by how long I could run for.

I agree with unfitnomore. Get your runners on and go out and find where you’re at and pick it up from there. I read somewhere on here it takes 3+ weeks to lose much conditioning so you may find you don’t have to go back many weeks at all. Good luck!

Unless you’re in some sort of wild rush (Olympic qualifiers, World Cup preps and such) makes no difference how you do it and what and how often you repeat. I did the whole C25K twice, as well as bridge to 10k. Then l completed HM, looked into my diary and thought, why not, then went through all of that again. Now I’m back to basic 5K three/four times per week. Basically, do your own thing.