Decided to get myself out there today and get my first run done. Must say I’m pretty proud of myself and didn’t find it as hard as I thought! Bring on run 2!!
First run : Decided to get myself out there... - Couch to 5K
First run

Well done! You’ve got this! Stick to this forum as the support is fantastic!
Week done, I just started week 3 today and found it very hard but intend to keep going!
Well done! I did my first run on Sat. Legs are very painful today but hopeful of doing run 2 tomorrow! Good luck!!

So you should be Courtney. You pulled on them runnin' shoes and you got out there and did it!
You've taken a massive step and the great thing about this forum, is that every one in here has been in exactly the same place as you are now. You know every one here is/has been on the same journey. And it is a journey, you are going to achieve things over the coming weeks you never thought possible. You're going to learn more about your body, you're going to have good runs and bads runs. And yes, sometimes your body is going to fight back - it can't be too much of an easy ride now can it!?
But how ever your journey enfolds, two things I can guarantee . . . .
1) On graduation day, you'll be on top of the world.
2) You've got over 50,000 people with you every step of the way.

We are all proud of you too... great job. Off the couch and onto the start line is the hardest step

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
Enjoy your journey.

Well done. The physical challenge is one thing but for many people the psychological step of actually going out in public and starting to run is the hardest bit, and you’ve done that. Keep it up.

Brilliant ! Welcome to the group.

Just to repeat what the others have said -- you've already done the hardest bit, which is turning up the first time. I'm just back from W7R1 and a lot of that is down to the encouragement of people in here and to Laura on the podcast.