Hi, I'm no spring chicken at 48 and rather overweight but have just finished my first run after having the app on my phone for over 6 months! Found lots of reasons as why I wouldn't/couldn't do this but finally found the courage to get on and do it. After the 3rd 60 sec run I must admit I was convinced I wouldn't be able to complete it but I surprised myself and did. I am notorious for giving up very quickly but really hope that I keep this up as need to both lose weight and get healthy.
First run completed!: Hi, I'm no spring chicken... - Couch to 5K
First run completed!

Go do it! There are quite a lot of 'seniors' here, join the club!
You are not notorious for giving up easily - you are notorious for keep trying again. 😉

Yay.... really well done for getting out there and doing it.
I found that making myself accountable to this group really helped my motivation to get out there. So I posted after every run. It really works!
And the guys here are an amazing source of support and motivation.
You're off the mark now, keep it up!
I have to say it was reading some of the posts on here that got me motivated. Some in similar situations to me and all very positive about how it is working for them so will definitely keep checking in.
Thank you so much for your support, much appreciated.
Well done on completing your first run! Make sure you’re completing each run as slowly as you possibly can... you should feel like you’ve still got enough in the tank to complete even the final run. Speed will come eventually, but the program is designed to be run at a snails pace to build stamina. Keep posting here for encouragement and we’ll keep cheering you along every step of the way 👍🏼
Thank you, I did try to stay quite slow as my body is no longer built for speed! 🤣😂, what I found most difficult was my breathing, always struggled with this even when I was young and very sporty.
Also my calves were screaming at me 'what the hell are you doing, whatever it is stop it immediately 🥴!!
I have to admit at the moment I am looking forward to my next run, just need to maintain that feeling.
Thank you for your support.

Well done Madloonmary ..you have made a life changing decision by starting the programme and the hardest run is the first but you’ve done that so there’s no reason you can’t carry on with the rest....if you feel yourself wavering...come on here for some inspiration and read some of the wonderfully encouraging posts that these lovely folk put on here and that will keep you motivated I’m sure! Good luck with the next run...slower than slow
Hi Mummycav, thank you for the support. I have to say I actually came on here and read lots of the comments which gave me the final push to go for it.
It's great to see and feel such great positivity and support. Hopefully I'll stick with it and and feel better about myself. Once again thank you for you support.

I was 48 when I started in March last year. By November I'd run a half marathon and shed 2+ stone, so anything is possible.
You've already done the hardest bit.
Oh wow, that's fantastic!! Very inspiring. I just need to stop any procrastinating about it and finding excuses! Did you adjust your diet as well or were you a healthy eater to start with?

Well done for starting. You are wuite young compared to some of us on here and you can do this! I bet the weight will start to fall off!

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Enjoy your journey.
I thought I was going to die the first week!! It does get easier tho, I'm on week 6 and actually enjoying it
Well done you! Doing my first one tomorrow (that’s the plan anyway).