W4R2 - attention seeking! I need a hug! - Couch to 5K

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W4R2 - attention seeking! I need a hug!

Pancakes profile image
33 Replies

Today was my first bad run 😕 it was done in bad grace I was grumpy tired hormonal and I just wanted to give up but I DIDNT!! I did the whole thing plus walked the extra KM with a 1minute extra run - it was sheer determination that got me through then I cancelled my night out and sat at home and sulked! Does anyone else have bad runs? I absolutely can’t imagine what wk 5 will be like!

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Pancakes profile image
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33 Replies
wyersmith profile image

Well done! You battled on and despite feeling it was a bad run it was a success none the less and you’ll be stronger for it. Don’t forget you are already running for five minutes without stopping. Already. Five minutes. Wow! W5 will be fine (I keep telling myself that as I start W5 tomorrow...) :-) good luck smashing w4r3, which you will.

Pancakes profile image
PancakesGraduate in reply to wyersmith

Oh good luck to you too! Let me know how it goes! 😀

wyersmith profile image
wyersmithGraduate in reply to Pancakes

Done! No dramas. Just sticking to the plan and plodding my way to graduation (hopefully). Getting new trainers at the weekend in prep for the fabled 20 mins...bound to help right? :-)

Sadie-runs profile image

I still have the odd bad run here and there, and I graduated 5 months ago! But you know, I don’t mind. A bad run is still a run, and money in the bank for the next enjoyable, happy, joyous, life-affirming run that I know will come! It’s just experience that has taught me that.

And here’s a big <HUG>! You deserve it for persisting and completing the run anyhoo. That’s true grit, and it will pay off. 👏👏👏

Sadie-runs x

Oldfloss profile image

Then don't :)

Simply trust the plan... take it steady and slow and believe in yourself:) Do what you need to relax and just pop one step after the other.. stronger with every run:) We are running..right there beside you :)

SendWine profile image

There you go **hugs** I'm sure everyone has bad days, all credit to you for running when you feel 💩

Lydia-jg profile image

Hey well done! Ive been putting off w5r1 as not been sleeping v well but got through it today. Felt sooooo like was doing it through gritted teeth not enjoyable but like you I got there Eventually, we’ll manage somehow😅🏃‍♀️

Crittermad profile image

You weren’t really feeling it, but you know what, you did it anyway! Well done on the grit to get through!! Irrespective of mind set there will be days like today when you physically don’t feel up for it, for whatever reasons, so all the more impressive that you had the strength of mind to keep going! 💪 sending big virtual hug 🤗 I’m well impressed (my mind is my worst enemy)

Mand102 profile image

Well done to you for persisting. Bad runs happen, I graduated a couple of weeks ago and had one of my worst runs today, 5 minutes in I felt like giving up! Week 5 isn't as bad as the thought of it is, you'll be fine. Look how far you've come already! 😊

Tasha99 profile image

Well done for still going out! That’s the hardest thing to do mentally - get yourself out when exhausted and stressed - but the best thing you can possibly do too!

I think each run is hard, some worse than others, but you can just go further each time. It’s an amazing program. Trust it 👍🏽

Rua8 profile image

You’re on week 4, whoohoo!! Pat yourself on the back. Pat yourself on the back even more that you did the run and cancelled the night out, rather than vice versa. You did the healthier thing. Good going! High five!

Nota-bene profile image

I posted earlier this evening about my first bad run, so you can read all about how i quit halfway through then wallowed about it! I abandoned my nice healthy veg rich dinner plans for pizza in bed - classy...

Well done well done well done for finishing your run even though you really didn't want to! I reckon that overcoming the bad ones is probably part of the process and makes you more resilient in the long run (pun unintended but fully embraced)

HoagyM profile image

I’m at the same stage, w4r2 done this morning. Definitely ups and downs along the way, it was w4r1 for me that was really tough. But as everyone else has said, if you can get through the tough ones, you are well set up for the next one and the rest of the programme.

Hey you did it, that’s the important thing. Sounds like a good run to me!! I was out this evening after work, so I was tired, and the same run I’d done a few days previously felt so much harder. Sending hugs your way!!

GoogleMe profile image

*Everyone* has bad runs. But this doesn't sound like a bad run, it sounds like a shining beacon of hard won achievement in a grotty day.

cobrien profile image

Pick yourself up, take the hug and we’ll be doing W4R3 together this weekend.

Middle run does seem a hard one generally.

Think back to how far you’ve come and look forward to the half way point that is week 5 with all the fresh challenges that going to bring.

Keep running. X

Cola65 profile image

Pancakes sweetie, don't be too hard on yourself!!! You've done amazingly well getting off the couch and getting out there if you felt grumpy and hormonal in the first place and to get through it while feeling like that isn't a bad run ...its a miracle in my books!!! Well done.. And virtual hug for you too cos I've been there!!

GM32 profile image

Well I am going for W4R2 tonight and your post has given me the will and determination to go for it and beyond.... I've had bad runs mostly outside , in the gym I'm ok, outside I struggle I think it's all in my head , keep going keep believing you will get there. Good luck

Dawnie16 profile image

Well done you for getting through it ! I'm at the same stage as you, got w4r3 tonight....the hardest thing is believing in yourself and the plan...we can do this !

Nwrkpak profile image

Everyone has bad runs . Since I graduated about a month ago there have been times I’ve not been able to run more than 3km but other times I’ve got a new PB. Pat yourself on the back that you keep doing during the bad ones. And cherish the good ones . And sometimes when you’ve finished even the bad ones feel good. Just because they are over xxx me n a friend did a parkrun Saturday and both got a new PB . However it was so hard, we wanted to give up, at times we hated it and really were going to stop but 5 minutes after finishing we were giggling like drunk little girls . Beaming grins , euphoric that we had done it . Really , it was 5k , not a marathon , but the feeling was awesome.

Keep going , accept there will be shit runs, accept the highs and the lows and love the journey . I know I am 😀

Clarab73 profile image

Well done on battling through. That’s something to be admired. I hope things improve for the next run x

spscollins profile image

Well done. I hope you have some bright sunshine where you are. That usually helps me to keep going

Upagumtree profile image

Hugs and special thoughts. Hang on in there.

AlMorr profile image

Congratulations for perseverance and continuing to complete your run of W4R2, I had a bad run on week 2 round 2 when my ankle went sore but continued with the other 4 runs, slowly but in running mode.

Jay66UK profile image

Yes. Bad runs happen. The mind you take in probably gets amplified by the run itself.

W5 is a bit harder. But only a bit. You can do it!

Jeaniedeans profile image

I feel for you!! I am really struggling with w4 and haven't completed either run1or2 completely. Hoping to manage it on r3. Well done to you for completing it and good luck with r2☺

Ificandoit profile image

Oh dear! The thought of you sitting at home sulking made me smile - I’ve definitely been there. As many have said before, not all runs can be great but they all make us better fitter runners. Mojos do have a nasty habit of disappearing from time to time but I bet your next run will be better. Keep at it!

Islabear profile image

Did my week4 r 2today. You completed it and did more. Well done . I have to admit that I stopped briefly a couple of times in the last five minutes and had to push myself to get going again. So we’ll done

Pancakes profile image
PancakesGraduate in reply to Islabear

Well done you! We can do this!!! 😊 run 3 tomorrow!

Jogginggillie profile image

II should have done w4r1 today but haven’t, so well done you.

Pancakes profile image
PancakesGraduate in reply to Jogginggillie

Crack on jogginggillie! Just keep going! 😃

Beth-monkey profile image

Yes! But my bad runs involve actually stopping, then beating myself up for the next 2 days!!

You didn’t stop 🤗

You are doing great! I’ve just started listening to desert island discs while running and it seems to make the time go quicker x

Pancakes profile image
PancakesGraduate in reply to Beth-monkey

Fabulous! Well done you!! 😀

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