Well after my weight gain of half a pound yesterday (slimmingword) I was thinking of jacking in the running. My alarm went off at 5am and I just turned it off and went back to sleep as I couldn’t be bothered to run (was feeling down with the weight gain)I got home from work and thought f*** it I’m going for my run. I’m so glad I did because it makes me feel better after I have had a run. And this was my first run where it was not snowing or raining 😃 on to run 2 on Thursday so let’s hope I get nice weather again
Wk2 run1: Well after my weight gain of half a... - Couch to 5K
Wk2 run1

Slow and steady and very well done...especially for not giving in
I’m at the same stage as you with the programme. Battled with my weight all my life, on and off slimming world, various diets etc, losing and re-gaining weight. Feels like I’m trapped in an unhealthy cycle and failing all the time. But, when I complete a run I feel great all day and it’s something I know now that I can succeed at. Even if it takes me longer. Running is instant gratification as opposed to dieting which is a long slog! Keep up the running and don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t see what you want on the scales!

Don't be put off, I had the same thing happen after my first week of running ( I do SW too). It put itself right the following week. The only thing to watch out for is that you still need to follow the SW plan to lose weight - C25K won't enable you to eat extra. Other people say that later, when you are running for longer, it has more impact on weight loss. I'm glad you are enjoying your running- it brings so many benefits. 😃

Well done for not giving in. Perhaps you should treat losing weight and running as two different things. Carry on you weight loss plan but consider running your main goal. While you’re concentrating on breathing, walking, running, posture, gait , and the feelings of achievement you’ll forget the pounds battle. You get a result from every run, you don’t have to wait a week for your ‘run in’ result and you get to feel good .
I’ll bet that without knowing it those pounds will start to go just because you start to see yourself as a runner not an overweight person .
Good luck on your journey , from a very new graduate who has battled the pounds war for many years 🏃♀️😊

Don’t be too disheartened by the weight gain. You might be building muscle through your walking/running, and muscle is heavier than fat! That’s good news too, because muscle uses up more energy (more calories) and takes up less space (less flab). Keep going.
I'm also on Slimming World, below my target weight and need to gain 3lb to get back in 🎯. I'm on week four and can honestly say I've not gained a pound see starting c25k. Don't let the minor weight gain be the reason for not completing the program, stick with it and enjoy the benefits!

Never quit! Weight loss is possible but you have to be on it! Running will SO help in that regard I can’t tell you. The rewards from both are obvious
Keeeeeeeeep going! 💪

We don’t build muscle doing C25k! Sadly 😃
I'm with Laurel55 on this and treating running and weight loss (SW) as two separate things. I started C25K to challenge myself, to improve my fitness and to test if the programme really could get me running in 9 weeks. It did and I still do.
I've just started SW to reduce the wobble. I'm following the SW eating plan and seeing a difference on the scales. So far the wobble is still there except on my neck and ankles (strange but true). I must admit I get fed up when the scales are against me but I run and it makes me feel so much better. As they say:-
Draw a line under last week
stick to the plan
and keep on running
because you can.

While C25K will not by itself make you lose weight, it will make you slimmer, fitter, happier and with a reduced risk of a whole host of life limiting physical conditions..............so why would you stop.
Many have gone on to lose weight, possibly because they have greater self esteem than before they ran and became motivated to make the change.
You are of course laying the base for moving onto becoming a runner who can run for over an hour..........then the weight will shift.
There is so much more to running than helping you to lose weight and to view it in such a narrow way really is missing the point.
Stick with it and you will not regret it.