Week 6 ..... I DON'T LIKE YOU...!!! 😫 - Couch to 5K

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Week 6 ..... I DON'T LIKE YOU...!!! 😫

HeadInTheClouds profile image
β€’51 Replies

After that euphoric feeling of completing week 5, I have to say that week 6 is really getting on my nerves..!!

I try to run on grass or softer ground as much as possible but it was dark when I headed out tonight, so pounding the pavements under the street lights was my only option.

I didn't plan a route, just thought I'd tour the estate in a haphazard manner and stay close to home (well within crawling distance) πŸ˜‰

Even though R1 had been pretty "Meh", I was actually looking forward to tonight's run - but my warm up walk, for some reason, made me quite breathless and that planted the 'niggle' seed in my mind πŸ™„

I set off for my first 10 minute run... the ground felt very hard and unforgiving under my feet, my knees were feeling a little 'twang'. I kept it slow but, because I'd not planned which way to go, I found myself faced with unexpected uphill and downhill variants. Where the hell did these come from..?? Oh yes, things you don't notice much when you're DRIVING 😳

I knew this run was going to take every ounce of everything I had in me...!!!

Got through the first 10 minutes. 3 minute 'recovery' (pffft) walk ..... OUCH ..... calf muscles pulled up like bow strings on whatever musical instrument has bloody tight bow strings..!!??!! πŸ€” I wasn't convinced I could actually get one foot in front of the other. Then I saw a bench at a bus stop..... and would you believe the ONLY thing I thought off using that bench for was stretching my legs on..!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

OK, time to run again. Only 10 minutes for crying out loud, I can do this..... and as I ran down the street, car headlights shining in my eyes (reflecting off the dribble that was 'stringed' across my face), I suddenly had a moment (just a moment) of it all feeling so wonderful... so liberating... so free... and then a 'chaff... chaff... chaff... chaff...' noise became very apparent (even above an incredibly loud Green Day track booming in my ears)... "Bloody hell, is that my thighs rubbing together"...??? 😳😳

So I lost my stride and the battle recommenced.

I huffed, puffed, grunted and continued to emit an indeterminable 'chaff... chaff... chaff' noise, but I did not stop until Sarah told me I could..!! 😊 Time for warm down walk..... but what's happened to my feet...???!!!??? 😱😱 I have no control of them, they are like flippers on the ends of my legs. I can do nothing but 'slap, slap, slap' them on the ground all the way home 😳😫

But at least I made it home (although I'm not sure how) πŸ™„ Hot shower and some intimate time with the massage stick on those calf muscles πŸ˜•

Lesson learned... next time I won't run on the pavement, I'll run across my neighbour's soft front lawns instead πŸ˜‰

Bring on W6R3... catch me if you can.

Happy running lovelies πŸ€—

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HeadInTheClouds profile image
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51 Replies
Wantorun2013 profile image

Great post πŸƒπŸ˜‚πŸ‘ a run is a run as they say on here !! Well done.

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Wantorun2013

Haha, thank you 😊 Yep, I can't argue with that πŸ˜‚

TJMazz profile image

Well done for completing the run. Yes, it was difficult, but you did it. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to TJMazz

Thank you, I did have my doubts there for a minute or two πŸ˜•

Sadie-runs profile image

Yep, week 6 sucked for me, too. It's baffling. I managed it, but with a grimace. But! Let me send you a little ray of hope - week 7 is a darling. πŸ˜€ At this point, you are ready for longer runs, and if you are anything like me, you will be glad to say au revoir to the walking breaks.

Week 6 can kiss my ar*e.

Well done on getting through the first two runs! 😘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

It is all about discipline in our running,,, just checking us out...seeing what we have gained... this is why we always advise slow and steady progress so that the runs, whatever they bring, are within our capability...You are doing fine.. some folk, who move too fast come unstuck!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Oh, thank you lovely Sadie-runs , I really do need that little ray of hope 😊 Yes, I am resenting those walks BIG TIME..!!

Haha, week 6 can kiss my ar*e too instead of the feeling that it's been kicking it πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

Roll on tomorrow, I'll try and get that 25 minutes in the bag πŸ€—

Thank you 😘

Oldfloss profile image


Just get back on track.. the pavements can be so unforgiving... just slow down and ease into the longer runs.. Week 6 does, for some reason have the potential of upending a few folk, but just relax and move on :)

Hit the soft stuff next time:)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you 😊 I'll definitely be hitting the soft stuff tomorrow Oldfloss , my back has been yelling at me today..!! πŸ˜”

There'll never be a chance of me coming unstuck... speed a concept my body would understand πŸ˜‚πŸŒπŸ’

Kimchoc08 profile image

I really disliked WK6 and I think it has something to do with the fact that WK5R3 is a 20 min run with no intervals. After running for 20 mins you're on such a high and then WK6 comes along with its walking intervals and boom πŸ’₯, you're back to thinking "woah, what's happening?"

Just run the runs, shove then in a box and once it's completed never ever think about WK6 again!! That's what I've done and I'm a much better person for it!! X

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Kimchoc08

So lovely to see you with your shiny 'Graduate' badge πŸ…πŸ†

Although certainly not nice to hear of people struggling, it is a comfort to know that so many people didn't gel with week 6 (and that I'm not the only one tripping over my lead boots) 😳

Haha, thank you, that's what I shall do too 😊 X

Yeah - we are at the same point, and i'm starting to think Week 6 is a bit of a sh*t! Looking forward to seeing the back of it on Friday! Well done you!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to

Hey Hidden , I'm in total agreement there..!! Going to kick it into touch tomorrow - hopefully round the park in daylight - 25 minutes straight running, no bloody stupid walks in between πŸ™„

Thank you 😊 Enjoy kicking week 6's ar*e on Friday..!! πŸ€—

in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Thank you - i look forward to reading of your success tomorrow. Dirty Dirty Week 6! πŸ€’πŸ’©

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to

Haha, thank you for being confident that I'll succeed πŸ™ˆ

I will keep you posted and look forward to reading of your dirty finale on Friday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

in reply to HeadInTheClouds

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ we have really put this Week 6 to shame!!!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to

That's fine, nobody liked it anyway πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

in reply to HeadInTheClouds

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ so true

vlmiller1225 profile image

Great Job pushing through!!!! :)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to vlmiller1225

Thank you vlmiller1225 😊

Bit of a struggle, that one. I hope you make a better job of it when you do it on Tuesday πŸ€—

Christene profile image

Great post, and I have to admit it made me giggle on more than one occasion, I just have an image in my head of you doing your cool down walk with flippers on .... sorry, its just how my brain works ... blonde day today ...

Seriously though, what a great run, well done, got the 10 minute runs out of the way .... solid, single run next time out ...

and, as we all know by now, slow and steady wins the day ....

still smiling at your post ... ;-)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Christene

OMG Christene , it was hilarious - I had no control of anything from my knees down. I felt like I had clown feet πŸ˜‚ I must have looked ridiculous. What with that, my dribbly face, wheezing like a bulldog AND that weird chaff... chaff... chaff... noise (which I now believe was my bum sling straining under the pressure).... It was the first time I'd been thankful that I was alone in the dark..!! πŸ˜±πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

Really looking forward to tomorrow's run... slow, steady and (with any luck) a little more decorum πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Christene profile image
ChristeneGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Chaff Chaff Chaff, the image, and sound, of that inside my head just cracks me up .... sorry :-(

Good luck for tomorrow, you are one run ahead of me ...

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Christene

Please don't be sorry ..... I'd be laughing at you in that situation πŸ˜‚

Thank you. Good luck to you too... we can smash this..!! πŸ€—

GingerBohemian profile image

It seems that everybody has a bad run in W6.

But as I’ve said before, the only reason you are having a bad run is because you are out there running!

Have a good rest and then get W6 out of the way and onto week 7 with no more of those annoying walkie bits

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to GingerBohemian

That's so true GingerBohemian ... I could be sitting indoors on my rear end finding something else to moan about πŸ˜† - and it just dawned on me today how much better I feel mentally (maybe not physically πŸ™„). If I'm not actually running, I'm thinking about running; reading posts and interacting on here and it's making me feel great..!! 😊

As for week 6..... pfffft, those walkie bits can take a running jump πŸ™ƒ

Mummycav profile image

Oh my days this post has made me laugh out loud!!! I love this post...I am almost sure that everyone has had some kind of run like this...where everything just feels wrong...one of those β€œwhat the HUMMERS am I doing this for??!!!!!” Despite the twangs...chaffs...stringy dribble...headlights...& uncontrollable flippers you still completed it...I want to give you an award right now!!! I was rubbish at Week 6 too...

Keep going...I cannot WAIT for your next post!!! I want to come running with you!!!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

πŸ˜‚Just had to check 'hummers' in the slang dictionaryπŸ˜‚ Yep, I was pretty much asking myself that same question when it was all going t*ts up last night..!! πŸ™ˆ

Week 6 really is a **insert profanity here** isn't it..?? 😩

You can come running with me ANY time... you're much fitter than I am, you can carry me home..!! πŸ˜†

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Lol....consider yourself carried......fireman’s lift styleee!! X

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Woohoo, can't wait..!! πŸ€—πŸ˜‚

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

And yes week six is a t***

Fishypieface profile image

Oh dear...I love it! Only because I've been there and got the t shirt (to go with all the others racked up!) Don't worry, come week 9 you'll be begging for a walking break! Only joking!! You'll be flying round, you are ready for it. You will get used to pavements, I was used to grass but now I find pavements easier, less lumps.... excluding my own of course. Which still like to wobble about even after I've stopped... Stuck in the rhythm of running. Just as well it's dark outside!

You are doing an amazing job, out there giving it large (and two fingers) to Week 6! :)

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Haha, I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to week 9 or living in fear of it 😱 I feel, now, about week 9 as I did about week 6 during week 1... but I have made it this far (only just) πŸ˜‚ All relative I suppose.

You're right, pavements are far more stable than grass - I won't have a choice now it's dark, I'll just keep going slow and steady and hope my joints cope 😳

I bet you don't wobble - you're a lean, mean running machine..!! πŸ€—

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

I felt like I only just made every week, but I think that's the thing... we do make it, even though it feels a bit wobbly (just can't stop wobbling today!) at the time. And that's enough. You are doing fab. You are not alone, there's a park run sized load of us out there all chaffing, dribbling and grunting along with you. Hmmm bet you are really glad about that!! Imagine if we all got together!! :)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

It’d be like a blooming farm yard on the loose!! Lol x

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Ha! Too right! A force to be reckoned with, that's for sure! :)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Mummycav


HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Thank you lovely 😊 It is reassuring that I'm not the only chaffing, dribbling (wobbling) grunter loose on the streets πŸ˜‚ ... and wouldn't it be awesome to all run that park together..!!??!! I'll hold that thought πŸ˜†

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Hold on to all of these thoughts when you are next out, might give you a laugh as you are grunting and chaffing your way round!! :) :) :)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

I'm sure they will πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

I’d love that HeadInTheClouds !!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Wouldn't that be awesome 😊

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds


Mummycav profile image

Lol...giving it large!! Love it fishy xx

Mummycav profile image

How fab would it be if we could find a park that we could all get to and all run together?? All of us on here....logistically impossible but how amazing? If they can do band aid......πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Now you're talking!! I'd even come out of my shell for that! Might be a bit noisy... :)

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

It’d be a dream come true!!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Haha, can you imagine πŸ™‰πŸ˜‚

It'd be bloody brilliant..!!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Logistically impossible for ALL of us to get to, but not beyond possible for some of us to get to πŸ˜ƒ

Mummycav profile image

Absolutely not....band aid remember....we should pick a venue & just congregate....we’d have a ball!!!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Hell yeah..!! πŸ€—

Not what you're looking for?

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