I nearly passed out when it said you'd ran for a total of 8 minutes! Albeit it was with walks in between but I'm kinda impressed! So happy to have started this I'm a bit skepitcal I suppose if it'll work for me but I'm determined to give it my best shot! Any tips greatly welcome!
Week one - Run one! : I nearly passed out when... - Couch to 5K
Week one - Run one!

Well done!! Trust yourself and the programme-it really works 😃 . I felt the same as you and now I'm completing week 9 this very week ....so I'll leave it to the graduates to say the clever stuff to you but just keep doing what you're doing and enjoy it !
Good luck.
The programme definitely works if you follow it. And 8 minute of running is 8minutes - don't sell yourself short. You did it - you ran for 8 minutes. Go girl!
I'm just about to start week 5, but I remember that feeling well. I've said this loads of times before, but if I can do it surely anyone can. One tip I've learned, if you feel like giving up and walking, just slow down, there is no speed or distance requirement for C25K. Trust me, I've been there, you're doing great, and you should be proud. Don't forget the rest day, it's really important
All the best! Neil

Well done Neil sounds like you're doing a great job! To be honest I was going at my own pace and thinking hang on this is really slow and probably not good enough but even if I'm slow I'm going to keep at it - I was going to ask if the rest day was important so thank you!
Hey you ARE good enough believe me I am slooow, it's the only way I can keep going to be honest. Good luck and keep us updated!