Week 2 run 3 completed, but...: I completed w2r... - Couch to 5K

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Week 2 run 3 completed, but...

Reluctant_Runner74 profile image

I completed w2r3 this morning, but I don't feel ready to go on to w3. It's a real struggle (partially because there are a lot of hills around my house!), and I only just got through to the end of the sixth and final run. I also found that I'm getting dizzy towards the end of the fifth run, which makes the final one even harder. Does anyone have any advice? I find it slightly easier if I go in the early evening, but would like to figure out a way of making it doable in the mornings as well!

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Reluctant_Runner74 profile image
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15 Replies
Donna46 profile image

Try running on the spot in your own home I do in the kitchen Fitbit measures the same steps and heart rate as if I was outside

sheps profile image

I started on this plan back in January and I didn't know about this forum so I made the plan work for me in this way. I was not fit, had done no proper exercise ever, really, though I have always been active and I was 60. I assumed the programme was designed for people who were fitter than I was so I responded accordingly.

If I found a run too hard, even if I managed to finish it, I did it again after a rest day (I never missed those). Some runs I did loads of times until I felt confident about moving on. As I became more confident I would stretch the time I was running - a three minute run would start a little earlier and finish a little later - eventually with a sprint finish. I would then move on to the next week.

I eventually started reading this forum and realised that the programme works in a different way from that and it is intended that you move on once you have completed a particular run. So do that, if you want to. Personally, I'm glad that I did all that consolidation work - it did the trick for me and I graduated last week and did a park run - running the whole thing in 41 minutes (not super fast but respectable) the week before. It has taken me much longer than 9 weeks but that's ok by me.

So allow yourself to adapt the programme a little but only within certain rules - do All the runs, do take the rest days and do run as slowly as you can.

And do let us know how you get on and let us know when you graduate - because you will.

hey RR, welcome to the omg we've got hills club. I have the self same problem. So I have found a route that includes hills - absolutely no way out of that, but that also includes a bit on the level. And although I don't do it now, I did run that particular section more times rather than tackle the hills and used the hills for the walking warm up and down. Many people say on here that we shouldn't try and do C25K and hills at the same time, but for me that wasn't really an option, as this is where I want to run. Channel your Oldfloss and go really slow, slower than you could imagine almost like slo motion replays on TV. If you're getting dizzy and there's no underlying health issue, then it sounds that you may be going a bit too fast. Really pull back on speed, softly kiss the ground with your feet and make sure you're not bobbing up and down. If you are bobbing it's a big waste of energy, it's not giving you forward momentum and drains you. I hope it's much better next time out for you. good luck

Reluctant_Runner74 profile image
Reluctant_Runner74 in reply to

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense, I'll try that today!

Agreeing with Sheps. If you do the run, move on. It wont be easy but it will be achievable :)

sheps profile image
shepsGraduate in reply to

Not entirely what I said, Helen, though I did say that this is how the plan is supposed to work. I offered an alternative view as well.

in reply to sheps


Neil1966 profile image

Also finished week 2 today. Onwards to week 3, we can do it :) Those hills will help you in the long run (forgive the pun). Be careful of the dizzy spells though.

Oldfloss profile image

Just slow down... and then some more... I know I am a pain with my slow and steady, but it works at all levels.. ( Unless you are in a speed race:)) Early evening.. you may feel a little tired, maybe a hard day and that is making you feel odd.. ?

Early morning could be the answer.. a good night's sleep...I have a cuppa and two digestive lights about an hour before I head out.. a sip of water and then off.. :)

The hills are hard... many of us found hills where we thought there were none! I wrote a post once asking for a big iron !

Use one hill for your warm up walk... and is there any flattish area around you...a park, a canal, ? If not, it really is trying to plan your route to get the best positive outcome.. and going every slowly. Hills are good for us, but at this early stage can be very daunting. Just don't give up!

Move on... but slower than a laid=back snail on a go slow :) x

IannodaTruffe profile image

For every up there is a down..... hills are tough but if you've got this far I don't see why they should should stop you now and ultimately they will make you a stronger runner.

Regarding dizziness, are you well fuelled and hydrated in advance of your run?

Reluctant_Runner74 profile image
Reluctant_Runner74 in reply to IannodaTruffe

Probably not well enough, I've got up early this morning to try running after a proper breakfast, so I'll see how that goes!

Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm going to try w3r1 this morning. I had breakfast about an hour ago, and I won't be going out for at least another half hour. Hoping that it makes the dizziness better, especially as I don't seem to get it when I go in the early evening.

The issue with the hills is that my house is basically surrounded by hills. They're not massively steep, but enough to make it more difficult!

I'm on my summer holiday at the moment, but when that finishes, I think early evening is going to be the easiest time to fit it in (I start work at about 8 every day)

Jaxdreamer profile image

Slow down and hydrate really well on the day before you run 🐢💦

I've just posted about my run this morning, thanks everyone for your help and support!!

Are you taking it slow enough? I “slurp” round my run, but I don’t care! We have sheet ice today, so I’m holding back until later hopefully. Slow and easy that’s advice I have been given.

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