W2R2- utterly exhausted!: Yesterday I did my W2R... - Couch to 5K

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W2R2- utterly exhausted!

Blue-Jay profile image
β€’30 Replies

Yesterday I did my W2R2, gently. A couple of hours later I was so exhausted and achey that I had a hot bath. Today I would happily have just slept if I hadn't got 3 kiddies to entertain. My lower legs and lower back ache so much, and I feel absolutely wiped out.

I have nothing left for tomorrow 's run, but I won't be able to run on Friday, so if I don't do it tomorrow, I'm missing one out.

Do I drag my carcass out regardless, or listen to my aching bones and miss a day? What would you do? 😨

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Blue-Jay profile image
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30 Replies
froggyrunner profile image

This sounds so familiar to me. I'm on week 7 and have basically had aching legs for 7 weeks! However, although on the rest day I think there's no way I'll be able to go out the next day, I'm always just that bit less achy and off I go! You can do this. If I can, ANYONE can!! Keep us posted.

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to froggyrunner

Thanks Froggy! Seven weeks is a long time to have achy legs, as long as you're still smiling! I'll see if I have more zing tomorrow. Maybe I'll do a week 1 run, or a brisk walk instead. I don't fancy weeks of aching legs!

froggyrunner profile image
froggyrunnerGraduate in reply to Blue-Jay

There's something satisfying about aching legs... means I've been out and exercised. (I call it more shuffling than running, )but It's just an ache now, not agony. Stick to the programme. It actually works!!!!

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to froggyrunner

Thanks, will definitely keep going, not going to throw in the towel! 😁

Malc73 profile image

My legs hurt for about three weeks, then one day they didn't. They ache a little after the run but are ok the next day. Are you stretching after the run? This is very important.

My back still hurts when I run, but I think it's because I'm too tense.

Stick at the program if possible, it does work. The runs don't get easier, you get stronger

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to Malc73

Thanks for replying Malc! I am doing some stretching. Looks forward to getting stronger!

MrsT82 profile image

From very recent experience I'd would say to listen to what your body is saying. It may be craving extra rest days. Week 2 took me 2 weeks to complete due to knee pain. I could barely walk on it. But I rested up and then carried on with week 3 on Monday. I did run 2 of week 3 tonight and I am not aching at all. Everyone is different but if it's painful you may do some damage and have to be out for weeks xx

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to MrsT82

Thank you for your reply Mrs T. Glad your knee pain has gone, good decision. I'm not getting pain, just intense aching and fatigue, which I didn't get after the first run of W2. Maybe it's cumulative. But if I do experience pain at any point, I will definitely take your advice to rest up. ☺

MrsT82 profile image
MrsT82 in reply to Blue-Jay

Mine hit me at run 2 week 2 also. By Friday when I should've been doing run 3 I knew it wouldn't be possible. You'll know if it anything more than aching. Good luck for tomorrow. Hope it feels better

Difficult when we're newbies, but can you tell us it an ache or real pain. Aches can be overcome and are telling you you've worked hard. Pain is a different thing altogether. You could rest til Saturday if you're concerned. No one says you have to have just one or two days rest. You know your body.... good luck next time out

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to

Hi Jan, thanks for your reply. It is just aching, not pain. I've packed m running out in my work bag in case I feel more recovered tomorrow. I may just have a walk instead, something at least to mark the occasion! 😁

in reply to Blue-Jay

That sounds like a good compromise and who knows a bit of a run may sneak in... good luck whichever way it goes

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to

I know, I might suddenly take flight! 😁

PeggyMc profile image

because I am so out of shape I normally rest for two days between runs, but on those two days I walk for two miles or ride a bike. I figure I am in no hurry and it takes my legs a little longer to recover as they have never done this before LOL

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to PeggyMc

That's a good approach, Peggy. I don't feel like I'm in any hurry either, as long as I'm keeping going. Easy does it!

Rustyrunner profile image

Couldn't you do the last run on Saturday ? I run Monday, Wednesday and Saturday due to work and other interests . Keep up the good work, I'm only on week 3.

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to Rustyrunner

Hi Rusty, yes I could do it on Saturday, but that's a gap of four days, a bit too long maybe. I'll see if I'm up to it tomorrow, otherwise it will have to be Saturday. But certainly not the end of the world! 😁

Bonkersbrit profile image

I ran on Sunday and when I woke up on Monday, I had the worst post run soreness I had ever experienced. Tuesday definitely looked out of the question. Every time I climbed the stairs, when I got to the top, and stopped using my quads etc, it felt like boiling liquid was flooding into my thighs. I was certain I was not injured just the micro tears in my muscles as they get stronger so I stretched and did "Legs up the wall"- a rejuvenating 'exercise' my dance teacher always promoted. Just like it says, you lie on the floor(or a sofa) with your legs up the wall. Tuesday morning I woke up like a new person. I did wait until mid afternoon to run, to give max time to recover but I was truly amazed what difference a day can make. The human body really is a remarkable thing.....as is this program....and this forum.

Keep the faith. Best of luckπŸ’πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜€πŸ’πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜€

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to Bonkersbrit

That's a great idea! My Nana used to do that after being on her feet all day as a nurse! I'd forgotten all about that- great suggestion! You're not so bonkers! πŸ‘

Wannaberoadrunner profile image

Things definitely get better. I found week 2 tough too. It does get easier, though.

Gillma profile image

I went through various phases: exhaustion and voracious hunger were two. They came and went. Various aches seem to have settled, too. I don't push myself through- if I'm tired I just crawl back to my old boss 'the sofa' till I can move again. By this method, and the kindness of forum people, I graduated two weeks ago and ran my first 5k Parkrun last Saturday. So don't despair- and I think Bonkersbrit's comment is also not bonkers. Stick with it!

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to Gillma

I like your style! The sofa is still always there when we need it! And Congratulations on your Parkrun - great achievement! Very inspiring! Thank you for your encouragement.

LiisaM profile image

Hi, Blue Jay--I'm in week 9 and after my first run of this week, I had such horrible exhaustion, it lasted for at least 4 hours. I thought something might be wrong, but the next time I ran week 9, I took it easier and was not exhausted afterward. Oh, yes--and I'm 70--so you can do this! Keep it up!

Blue-Jay profile image
Blue-Jay in reply to LiisaM

Wow, 70, that's fantastic! I hope I'm still running when I'm 70! Thank you for your kind words!

Gillma profile image
GillmaGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Hurray for LiisaM!

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Gillma

One more run--today--and then I'll be a graduate. I'm excited!!!

Gillma profile image
GillmaGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Oh brilliant! I almost wish I hadn't done it yet so I still had that graduate feeling to come - cheering you on!

Plumpinthenorth profile image

I graduated a couple of weeks ago and am running three times a week for approx 5k. Yesterday I did the same but felt so exhausted afterwards. It was warm and I had just finished work but I ached all night. I have put this down to just "one of those things" I plan to run tomorrow and hope things will be different. They probably will be. I hope they will be. I think I was perhaps over tired when I set off! I think being determined to do it helps. Keep your focus as to why you are doing the run and know that the effort is helping your overall health. Take it slow if I need to. Just do it πŸ˜ƒ

Blue-Jay profile image

Thanks P.I.T.N. , I think you're right, sometimes it's just going to be one of those things, a blip, we're bound to have tired days and more energetic days I suppose. Great to hear you're regularly running 5K. Thanks for your help πŸ‡πŸ’

Blue-Jay profile image

Thank you to everyone for all your support and guidance. I really appreciate it. In the end, to my surprise, I did run! I had a little more energy, and instead of the forecast heavy rain and thunderstorms during the little window of time that I had to run or not run, the sun came out, so I went for it! I completed it despite, at one point, being overtaken by a man WALKING past me carrying a heavy shopping bag- the ultimate insult! I'm convinced that my "running" phases are even slower than my brisk walk phases! Nonetheless, I have now completed W2, though I may do a couple more W2 runs so that my fitness can catch up with me a little before I move on to W3. Thank you so much to you all for being there- it's gives me a great feeling of connectedness and comaraderie- YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!!!!! 🌼🌻🌹🌺🌷

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