Went out for run 2 of week 2 this evening and found it a real struggle. Kept it slow but felt like I was losing momentum. However, I couldn't have run any faster from a breathing point of view. Lower legs felt really heavy and ached particularly just above ankle/ lower calf. Hope this gets better. On my way round I was thinking that I might need to repeat this week. My husband assures me it will get easier - I certainly hope it does.
That was hard! W2R2: Went out for run 2 of week... - Couch to 5K
That was hard! W2R2

Don't let your hubby know this...but he's right!!! You will feel like you struggle so hard and can't take another step, but KNOW, you can do this and eventually, it will get better!
The heaviness in your legs will improve as your body gets use to the activity and you become fitter. Hard to believe now though, eh?
I struggled every single run but made my mind up, no matter how I struggled, as long as I completed a run, I would move on. I'm happy I worked the program that way, but for you, if you feel the need to repeat run/weeks, do so. Find what works for you so you don't become overwhelmed, frustrated and quit. Remember how I said it will get better? I thought I was near death on several of my C25K runs, I have went on to do a 10K program of which I have 1 run left to graduate. My last run I ran 5 miles/8K and 1 hour continuous. YOU CAN DO THIS! Gayle

It does get better! I totally assure you that! I currently am on week 3 run 1 and it felt so much better. Just don't give up and run, keep on running and keep on fighting. You'll eventually beat the pain and the struggle.

Helen!! Don't despair!!
It is a huge step but so is every week in this program.
My legs ache after every run- but that's how we know we got off the couch and got out there, right?! Every run is a run closer to being fitter and healthier.
If you feel you need to repeat, do. I did. But just don't sell yourself short. You may surprise yourself
Best of luck and let us know how you get on.

Saturday i had a awful run and felt very despondent. Tonight however total different story i managed the week 3 run 2 without a problem.
What I do is to only move on after I have completed the three runs in each week successfully. Yes it will take me longer than the 9 weeks but eventually I will get there.
Whatever happens just keep going you can and will get there. Good luck

I made my mind up on Day 1 that it I didn't need to do it in 9 weeks and that I would repeat any week I wanted to. To use an apt metaphor it's a marathon not a sprint. Two weeks ago I hadn't run since school. The fact I am running at all is a major achievement!! So look at the positives and believe that it will get easier because it will. By the way I am sure by running sections are no quicker than my walking bits but I would rather do it that way and keep running until Laura says stop. Speed can come later.

I've just done that run too and found it hard!!!! W2R1 seemed easier - perhaps it was to do with the alcohol consumed last night
Just take your time with things and if you need to repeat a week then do it, I had a cold after my second week so repeated week 2 after I got back onto my feet/health. Just do your best and in time you should be able to continue with the runs. Just starting week 4 now but am amazed how much I can now do compared to when I started.