Failing week 3: I'm only on week 3 and massively... - Couch to 5K

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Failing week 3

Hayley27 profile image
22 Replies

I'm only on week 3 and massively failing already. I did the first run on Monday and whilst I had to pause twice for about 30 second each time I managed to finish it. But tonight I couldn't make it through the first 3 minute run before I gave in. Week 1&2 I did in the gym on the treadmill and this week I have tried outside. Should I go back to the treadmill? This is the point I would usually give it up and convince myself I'm never going to be able to run but I really don't want to give in...

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Hayley27 profile image
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22 Replies
Aliarm profile image

Don't give in I was like that too but it does get easier wen u start to do longer runs u will want to to keep going cause u feel proud. I'm on week 6 and wen I was on week 3 I said there is no way I'd even get to week 6 but don't give up. U can do it. Girl power 💪

Mrsmc10 profile image

Go back to week two! Don't push yourself and quit!! There are no rules that you have to move forward yet! Keep it up and have faith in yourself! You can do it

Hayley27 profile image
Hayley27 in reply to Mrsmc10

I thought about repeating week 2. My aim is to run outside rather than use the treadmill, should o do week 2 outside do you reckon?

Mrsmc10 profile image
Mrsmc10 in reply to Hayley27

We have repeated some weeks and it has helped! I never thought I would be able to do week three, now we are going slightly of plan and adding a bit here and there to prepare for week four! At the end of the day you are moving and you are getting fitter! There are no rules about how quickly you have to do it! Don't demoralise yourself and give up!

Mrsmc10 profile image
Mrsmc10 in reply to Mrsmc10

I also think the treadmill is easier and I start to stress out that I won't be able to do it outside! A few years back I trained for race for life, could do about 20 mins on the treadmill, got outside and couldn't do two minutes! Now I freak out that I can't do it outside so I make a bigger deal of it than what it actually is!

Determined92 profile image
Determined92 in reply to Hayley27

Yes definitely try week 2 outside first. Good luck :)

Ginxbrum profile image
Ginxbrum in reply to Hayley27


IannodaTruffe profile image

Running, not on a dreadmill, requires you to pace yourself, which many find takes some time to sort out. Try slowing yourself down. You don't say why you had to pause/stop, so I am assuming it is lack of breath. The only answer to lack of breath is to reduce your body@s demand for oxygen......SLOW DOWN.

Give it another go outside. You can do this!!

Hayley27 profile image
Hayley27 in reply to IannodaTruffe

Lack of breath the first time around yes, then last night lack of breath and painful knees/shins.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

The general opinion is that running outside is more difficult than treadmill running. The ground is uneven, you have to set your own pace, you have to keep your eyes open for traffic, rocks, tree roots, kerbs, other people etc and there are inclines (and sometimes even hills). But that's what makes it interesting and when you've got the knack that's what will keep you running. So don't despair! Set an incline of 1% on your treadmill and when you try running outside slow down, as long as you're not walking it's a run. Good luck!

Chele828 profile image

Don't give up, you can do it, we all struggle at times repeat weeks, find best time of day to run that suits you, chose a route that you enjoy, think positive thoughts xx

SueH28 profile image

You are not failing you are on week 3 and you've not given up! That means your awesome 😊

Maybe try week 2 again and go from there. It's not a race so just be happy and go at your own pace. I must be the slowest jogger in the world bit I don't care, I feel better because doing something is better than nothing 🐌🐌

You can do it !

Oldfloss profile image

Try not to use the 'f' word... you haven't.. it is a blip... take JaySeeSkinny and IannodaTruffe 's advice.. and add mine... when you head out... go really slowly. It is so different and take a lot out of you if you are used to being inside.

But... you can do it...go out... and go as slow as slow... breathe however suits you and relax into the run.... focus on steady steps and let your feet take you on :)

Gillma profile image

Trying is succeeding . Getting help/advice is succeeding. Figuring it out is succeeding. Your body isn't a machine but a complex being affected by everything that's happened, is happening and that you imagine happening... please let us know how you get on, however you get on!!!

Ginxbrum profile image

Don't give up , I tried it once and then went back to week 2 , tried it for a 2nd time yesterday and did it . You will do it .

Tabbycat_purr profile image

I did each week twice until I found it fairly easy, this seems to be helping my motivation I've found, it's slower going but rewarding. It's like leveling up in a computer game!

McFitty profile image

Week 3 was my nemesis! 3 minutes? All at once? You're 'avin a laugh! I couldn't manage it the first week and had to repeat it. There were other weeks I had to repeat too. Don't get despondent, not completing a run certainly isn't a fail. As everyone will tell you it's just a practice😊 The best advice I was given was to slow down (and I really didn't think it was possible to go any slower)... but it is. Even if you feel as though you're running in slomo! Good luck and keep going😊

davidhwynn profile image

You're doing great. Just keep plugging away at it. DO NOT GIVE UP! I started off on the treadmill and was frightened of running outside, in fact when I first tried running outside it was about 2 paces in before my mind told me to stop. I finally mixed treadmill and outside, found myself an outside route I liked .... I haven't run on a treadmill in weeks now, outside is so much more rewarding when you can manage it (even in the rain!). No failures, just practice runs remember!

RebeccaSK profile image

I run both outside and on a treadmill and their are pros and cons of both. Outside is definitely more difficult in that you have junctions, crappy pavements, bad cambers and pedestrians to consider without even taking into account hills BUT I find it less boring and so the runs frequently go more quickly. The treadmill is easier in that you can get into a rhythm more easily and you don't have to worry about junctions etc BUT it's so boring and I find the time ticks by so slowly. My suggestion is that you do both - it's kinder on your joints and shins running on a treadmill too which is why I do it. Also try other surfaces - running on the grass round the park. Mixing it up WILL help. As for feeling like giving up - I think week three was my most difficult week. I repeated it and after two weeks of week three the transition to week four was easier (not easy, just easier!). This isn't meant to be easy - otherwise all those people sitting on their backsides not even TRYING would do it. So don't give up, you haven't failed, the people who aren't even giving it a go are the failures. Just so you know, I am 44, BMI of 34.5 (when I started, now it's dropped a little but I'm still in the obese category) and have huge muscular skeletal problems which makes running hugely challenging. I've never been able to run this far in my entire life. Last night I did run 3 of week 5 which is 20 minutes of non stop running. I now find this easier than I did week 3 so don't give up - even if you have to repeat weeks like I did, you will get there!

Gran4z profile image

Everyone's saying don't give up, you can do it, and you can. I reckon if the treadmill is your thing, then what's wrong with that? Nothing, you are doing it, doesn't matter how you do it. Be happy with yourself!

Hayley27 profile image

Thankyou everyone. I think I will give week 2 a go outside and see how I get on with that 🤞🏼

Judith99 profile image

to say you are failing on week 3 is an oxymoron. By definition the fact you are on week 3, even if you have to repeat it a few times means you are not failing. In education we have an expression 'consolidating learning' and that is all repeating is. I'm planning to repeat wk 6 run 2 before trying run 3 because although I made it it was only just and I nearly had to stop on the cool down walk!

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