Having given in to the couch gremlins yesterday, I was faced with the choice of tackling the much-feared W5R3 today, or putting it off until Friday, which would be six days since my last run. The only available time was straight after getting home from work, when I'm rarely at my best. Having worried about this run and the step up from 8 to 20 mins for several weeks, I guess I wasn't in the best frame of mind as I changed into my running kit. Then a remarkable thing happened; as I set off I suddenly felt overwhelmingly positive... Abandoning Laura, I put on my most inspiring playlist and set off, using the 5-minute announcements on Runkeeper to keep time. As always the first few minutes were a struggle as my legs protested at being made to do the hard thing again. I then got into my stride; 10 minutes came and went without too much difficulty, then 15... by now my legs were feeling pretty tired, so I eased off the pace a bit, but kept going. Suddenly 20 minutes was up; I'd done 2.85 km, so I kept going until 3km came up on the GPS, in a fairly respectable 20:51, or 6:57 per km. That's about 20 seconds per km slower than my first time around, in 2015, but hey, I've had surgery and radiotherapy since then. What is really pleasing is that I've finished every run so far without failing or having to repeat anything. That is better than my first time around. I also feel fitter and healthier than I have for over a year - even with tired legs. Sorry for the long post!
W5R3 - nailed it!: Having given in to the couch... - Couch to 5K
W5R3 - nailed it!

Yee ha! Congratulations! Good job.

Well done, that's awesome!!

That's brilliant! Very well done to you.

Well done on your achievement, I am one week behind you and already thinking about that dreaded W5R3 run. Trying to stay positive.

Way to go!😊 (I've got that song 'second time around' playing in my head now. It's going to drive me mad all day)😂

Great stuff Snuff !
I am so pleased for you Really Well done , what a fantastic inspiration you are xxx

What a great feeling? I remember it well, that step up from R5W2 to w3! I too was dreading it and initially thought I'd read it wrong 😂 Well done ✅ and keep going.

Well done for nailing this one - and that's a good time per km as well!

Wow, brilliant! Well done!

Excellent! Well done - you know the rest is going to be ok, right? 🐢👣🏃🏿

Thanks everyone for your kind words and likes - appreciated. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging - had a very long day yesterday. Wish I had time to reply to everyone personally. Good luck all!