My last run was Sunday -- my epic 40 minute run - and although I have had great intentions, it's been a helluva week - work has been mad and I've been travelling up and down the country sitting in traffic jams and working long home this week I had news that my father is in hospital with surgery in Spain, my step father has just been diagnosed with cancer and father-in-laws dementia is eh 😩
Today was beautiful and I just had to get out even though I felt tired, so I laced up those running shoes and set off. I thought we had a drop in temperature but it felt hot and the sun was beating down.
Laura and I started off along the boardwalk and up the steep hill - 10 mins in I felt exhausted - feet made out of concrete blocks and achey calves which I haven't had in a while. However one of my downhill tracks was coming up so I trotted off down there to the flat and then stopped - legs really felt like jelly - walked for 2 minutes
Then I thought to myself NO! This is really not what you have been trying to achieve all these months - Get running girl! So I gritted my teeth, broke into a trot and actually that felt better then the walk 😂
Ran along the flat, down under the trees and then half way up the hill and stopped again - aggggggg!! 😡
I stomped up the hill - hot and tired and a bit stroppy to be honest and when I got to the top I reminded myself of my last pledge about making this a fun thing to do 😮😂- whoops!
So, I pulled myself together and reminded myself of some of the positives as I walked back
1) I ran a total of 24 mins with a 2 minute walk somewhere in the middle today - in June that was completely impossible for me.
2) I completed more miles towards my charity run today.
3) I am running in the most beautiful place - how lucky am I?
4) I got off my backside and had a go 😀
5) I've only been doing this for 3 months - give yourself a break and stop being so competitive with yourself
I loved Sheryl Crow' s albums back in the day and this line came back to me (not sure it's what she had in mind when she wrote the lyric 😂) and I have to keep remembering that this is a journey; a twisty, turn-y journey and that I am still a novice and that I will get better and stronger and that each run will probably be unique for a while yet and that my last run was epic (to me), this was a bit pants and who knows what the next one will be.
What I do know is that I will be out there again probably Sunday to run again and that's quite a mind shift from me on the excercise front as when it comes to that I have always given up easily. I don't know what it is? Maybe my wake up chat from the Doc? Maybe I do actually enjoy it? Maybe I like the challenge? Maybe I like what I can see it doing to my body and my fitness levels?
Whatever it is, I'm keeping on running 🐢🏃😀