Endomondo says I ran 6K, and I wanted the heading to be "My first 6K", but I didn't actually run all the way... I ran for 4x10 minutes with 2-minute walking breaks in between. Maybe I ran 5.5K.
That's great too.
10K - I am coming to get youuuu!
Endomondo says I ran 6K, and I wanted the heading to be "My first 6K", but I didn't actually run all the way... I ran for 4x10 minutes with 2-minute walking breaks in between. Maybe I ran 5.5K.
That's great too.
10K - I am coming to get youuuu!
Still counts as a 6k, Iben! Walking breaks are perfectly acceptable (you're a graduate now!). Well done, you're doing really well at the moment!
That comment added icing to an already very delicious cake! Thank you Jay!
I am ecstatic about it! When I was out there doing the last 500 meters on my spaghetti legs, I smiled through the tiredness. I am so happy I have learned how to run! Why did I wait until the age of 44 to get started? It makes me (feel) strong, happy and beautiful.
Strong, happy and beautiful. What a perfect description. Well done! (and I love your use of 'spaghetti legs')!
Thank you Was it you who came up with the spaghetti legs recently? I read it in a post and though YES, that is exactly what they feel like those legs!
I wish I had coined that phrase! No, it wasn't me but I definitely know how they feel
In the running world, I see far too much emphasis on this idea of "not stopping under any circumstances". I'm not sure where it comes from - maybe from the act of "racing" ? I prefer to think of children running - they see something and run to it - then they see something else and run to that. The act of running is part of who they are but doesn't determine them.
You are definitely right about that observation, Bazza. For me the obsession to not stop stems from the fact that walking 5K or any of the other distances we talk about as runners, even a marathon, wouldn't constitute even the slightest problem if I were to just walk them.
So when I walk, I feel that I am not exerting myself, not doing anything I special. Because running does make me feel special. It is something I have never been able to do before, and I am in awe - every time I run - of the fact that I am actually doing it.
But walking breaks is a really good way of building up for longer distances, and I am going to remember what you have said about children running and stopping all the time. It is actually a very natural thing to walk/run, not a problem.
Woo Hoo fabulous Iben !
6k , Well done , you are doing so so well !
Oh I love your description " Strong, happy and beautiful " You so are ! xxx
Congratulations iben!6 k milestone in the bag!😊😆
Iben, if you did a marathon and walked in the middle, you would still claim the marathon, and quite correctly.
I love this whole post - spaghetti legs, strong happy and beautiful and feeling special. This forum is such a positive place. Your 6k is brilliant PippiRuns but for me your description of how it makes you feel is the most inspiring thing ever and sums up why I wanted to run in the first place. 👏👏😀😀
It's Laura's fault, she brainwashed us! Well done and congrats on your PB!
Fantastic! You did run 6k! You are indeed strong, happy and beautiful Running is wonderful
Well done! I think you can safely consider that a 6k.