Hi all, has anyone used the Zombies Run App? I have looked at it and it looks a fun running app. Would be interested to know views. Thank you 👍
Zombies Run: Hi all, has anyone used the Zombies... - Couch to 5K
Zombies Run

Oh yes! Loadsa folks here are being chased by Zombies. They are well distributed throughout Britain apparently so you gotta watch out for em. They could jump out at you at any moment.

My daughter and son in law have... they reckon it is great fun.. daughter reckons it has upper her pace considerably

It comes well recommended. As I've just related on the Bridge to 10K forum, my first experience of it was when another runner whom I'd just passed suddenly came tearing past me screaming that the zombies were coming. I couldn't spot any anywhere... She sheepishly apologised to me when I caught her up sometime later that she had been using the Zombies Run app and had got a bit over enthused.
I see it as something else to add a little spice into your running, so that can be no bad thing. I believe that Poppypug also recoomends this app highly.
Oh that does sound like fun! I think I'll have to have a look at that once I graduate c25k again

Oh yes! love it for a night time pavement pounder! Lots of fun!

Hi Sue, I do Zombies Run, its absolutely fantastic ! I highly recommend it
I am on Mission 3 , I absolutely LOVE it ! I thought it was a tad cheesy when I first started listening , but it just sucks you in and I was squealing with excitement and terror by the end of it ! Ha ha !
Give it a whirl see how you feel ! xxx
Poppy, do you listen with music on - and have you paid for the chases. I tried it this morning, free app and I could just hear very faint pantomime villain sounds in the background that weren't inspiring me to run faster, or do I not have enough imagination!!! I like the idea of it as a distraction. Linda

Ha ha ha ....I listened to the intro and wasn't sure but am always on a quest for things to occupy my mind when running. Do you find it distracts ?
I enjoyed it for a while. My pace certainly increased as I used it in winter, when my runs are always in darkness at eiether end of the day and in some unlit remote routes, and the sound of zombies breathing down your neck while someone screams that they are just about to get you is a great incentive to dig deeper and find those inner reserves of energy.
I gave it up eventually because I kept arguing with Base, and decided I probably looked completely bonkers running all shouting about Zombies attacking me and how their tactics were flawed (although in Glastonbury, that is only borderline weird.)
I might fire it up again this week, actually.
Have they reeased any more missions yet? I seem to recall there were supposed to be further updates in the pipeline.

Hi Rig , I succumbed and have upgraded to the £2.29 month package ! I have got over 200 missions to do
I find it soo motivating, it certainly makes me get a sprint on when the warning comes on that Zombies have been detected at 50 metres ! xxx