Done and dusted! Another muggy evening today! On to THE LAST WEEK?! next week!
That annoying moment when you step out the door for a run and you realise your iPhone has inexplicably deleted the Week 8 podcast for no apparent reason. I had to use the Week 7 podcast and then run for an extra 3, bit of an anti-climax to the week but never mind.
And I've lost my running belt somewhere in packing boxes so have had to resort to tucking into my trousers/holding my phone. I hope it turns up, it's the first proper casualty of packing it seems!
The only thing that's bothering me is that the running is eating up my evenings somewhat. But that wasn't bothering me before so I think it's just the time being spent on the house move, coupled with time I want to spend with my partner/new-housemate, meaning free time is ebbing away!
Already starting to feel like I might have to cut down to 2 runs a week once I've graduated but I don't feel very positive about wanting to do that.
Obviously the other option is running in the mornings but I have a long commute and I just don't think I'd survive or enjoy it nearly as much!
Happy running everyone I haven't had too much time to read everyone else's posts this week but I hope everyone is going ok.