I completed wk6 then never got back on track again, had a heavy weekend on the booze then it was too hot then I wasnt well blah blah blah. It has now been 3 weeks and I am gutted as I worked so hard to get to where I did! Question is where do I pick up again? Should I repeat some earlier weeks? If so, which ones? I feel so unfit at the moment
Lost my mojo: I completed wk6 then never got... - Couch to 5K
Lost my mojo

You probably dropped it during week 5. Go back and do those runs again and you'll probably find it at the side of the track. If not come back here regularly and someone will give you another one
I think we need to know a little bit more about you, like age. If you are in your 20's or 30's most people tend not to take heed of the health warning on obesity etc. I'm in my 50's and was well aware of the dangers of many deceases that start to affect people around my age. I was obese, drank to much ate the wrong foods, I find my mojo by thinking i want to reduce the chances of any of these things affecting me for as long as possible.

I'm 42 and could not run when I started this! Completed wk 1-6 without much trouble but then lost it all! Just need to get back on track but don't feel I can go straight to wk7!

well doesn't seem sensible to go SO far back but everyone is different ... but you probably DO need to build it up a little again, let us know how you get on?

I would try starting back at week 7. If you can't do it then try week 6.
It's all a bit pointless trying to run for fitness if you just balls it up by too much drinking, so you could choose the road to fitness or the road to somewhere else. It's where it's hot and there's a red man with a pointy stick. Your choice of course
Come on! You can do this!
Ha ha I know, it was a moment if weakness then I was ill and caught a nasty cough then all the excuses came out! I did wk5r1 this morning and it was quite easy so I may skip to wk6 now and see how I go.

Hey, shit happens - don't beat yourself up about it. Just file it away in the "lessons of life" drawer, and get back in your trainers I'd go for a week five run just to get back in the groove, then if it's easy, go on to week 6. Good luck!
Hi skinnynet
You've done the hardest part already! Getting going for the first time is always the hardest. If you made it to week 8 then your fitness has improved a lot since then.
I'm also 42 and started running about a year and a half ago - it really is worth sticking with. I now feel fitter and stronger than I have for decades so it's by no means too late to sort out that fitness. You just need to decide that from now on you are going to run on certain days each week - and if you can't then exchange it for another day rather than dropping it. Fairly soon you will look forward to a run as a way to unwind & take your mind off everyday things.
Small changes make a huge difference - if you can do 3 half-hour runs a week, increase your proportion of fruit & veg' by a little (say add one item of each a day) and avoid too much boozing (not to say cut it out at all, but keep an eye on how much you have each week) then you'll soon feel better than ever. And it's fun - being able to run for a bus without panting or play a knockabout sports game on holiday without feeling exhausted. It's those times that you really feel the difference.
Good luck with making it stick - if you can get back into the swing of it I'm sure you will.

You're only a young un then Skins! Keep running, slow but sure, steady, steady, steady. You'll be great!

Now you got back on the horse, try a parkrun. It's a great mood lift (excellent way to kill off a hangover!) and will help you stay on the program. Oh, and good job for getting started again!
Not sure i'm ready for a parkrun just yet! I'm too slow!!

Oh crikey, you sound on a real downer! Accentuate the postive, as the saying goes.

Ah Chin up Skinners !
You'll be fine, you can do it ! Fortune favours the brave, who dares wins n' all that !
Pick yourself up, dust yourself down, and you know the rest
Good Luck ! xxx