10k race looming, advice on next wk please - Couch to 5K

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10k race looming, advice on next wk please

mancunianpoodle profile image
27 Replies

I'm doing a 10k race on 12th July (my first) so am trying to plan my runs for the rest of this week & next.

I did 8k (my long run) yesterday (Weds) which went fine. That's the furthest I've ever run.

Should I try for another long run before my race a week on Sunday?

I could fit one in this Sunday.

Should I be running 5k for my other two runs a week?

I usually run 5k or do a short run of 3.5k.

I've been a bit hit & miss with training due to various things so it's hard to say what a 'normal' run week looks like.

I reckon I can manage 10k at a slow jog so wonder whether I should just take it a bit easier til the actual race.

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mancunianpoodle profile image
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27 Replies
MarkyD profile image

Hi MP, good luck with the 10km. Amazing how we all go from couch to taking part in 'proper' running events, isn't it?

You'll be fine for your 10km race and it is all about confidence now. Another longer run before next Sunday will cement the fact that you can run 10km, and when you take part in the event you can go a little faster & know that you will finish.

Offset against that is the risk that you'll hurt yourself in the preparation.

Why not prepare like this:

Fri - 3.5km fast

Sun - 10km slow

Tue - 5km easy

Thurs - 3.5km easy

Sun - race day (fast??)

Please tell us how you get on, and we'll all await a glorious race report!

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to MarkyD

Thanks Marky, your advice & plan is great.

I'm really looking forward to the race but nervous too.

Thanks so much. Feel better for having a plan & having checked things out.

Will post how I get on.

Ugifer profile image
Ugifer in reply to mancunianpoodle

I think Marky's plan looks good - it's worth tapering off a little during the week before your race, so you could even make Thursday's run slightly shorter - say 2.5 or 3k. Definitely make it an easy one.

You've done your training now and you want your body to "over-correct" and be really raring to go by race day.

runswithdogs profile image

Either way you'll be fine. The excitement of the race will carry you to the end. If you want to keep it easy, but still add some distance why don't you do one longer run-walk session to 9 or 10k? The walking bits will keep it easier on your joints but the distance will give you that extra boost of confidence.

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to runswithdogs

Thanks runswithdogs. I am almost walking pace anyway. When I did 8k the other day my pace was about 9/10mins per k But, yes, I may walk a bit on my long run this weekend. Thanks :)

aliboo70 profile image

when i did my first 10k race i think i did a medium 7k on the tues, a shorter around 3/4k on the thursday, and then rest til the sunday.... if you have a week til the race then maybe doing a longer one this weekend will give you confidence for the day! but we KNOW you can do it! have fun, you'll be great ! :)

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to aliboo70

Thanks Aliboo.

Knowing that I can do 8k in the hot weather has helped me mentally. Even if I was incredibly slow.

Will try for 10k this weekend & then do some shorter runs Tues/Thurs next week.

Thanks :)

Rob_and_his_westie profile image
Rob_and_his_westieGraduate in reply to mancunianpoodle

That sounds about right to me. I've done several 10k races now and that's exactly how I prepare for them. In fact, it's my regular routine these days with the long run at the weekend. Some very important things for the day itself, and these have all been said before, but they genuinely do make good sense. Hydrate slowly and often before the race, don't start at the front (unless you're going to go under 32 minutes!) I've seen some nasty falls happen when ordinary mortals like me try and start with the gazelles and take it easy at the start. Of course we all go off too fast at the start, but the day i get that one right will be a red letter day!

I think you're going to love it. It's a great test, pushing you and rewarding you at the same time without taking too much out of your body. One last thing, if it's a multi lap race, then I always make a point of thanking all the marshals on the last tour. They really do appreciate it and I appreciate them looking out for me too.

Good luck. I bet you've got butterflies already!

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to Rob_and_his_westie

Thanks for your advice Rob. Really excited about it.

Will be starting near the back as I reckon I'll be one of the slowest. It took me 1h 16mins to do 8k.

Am just hoping to finish lol!!

dagshar profile image

I did my first 10k last Sunday. In the weeks before I had managed 2 10k runs,so knew I could do the distance but in the final week I just did two 5ks on Tues and Thurs and a little walking on the Friday. My main focus on those shorter runs (who would ever have thought I'd call 5k short ) was on running at a steady pace without trying to run too fast and getting too much out if breath. That worked for me and I did the 10k at a fairly consistent speed and it actually felt easier than the parkrun the previous weekend.

So I would say do one more long slow run this weekend and then take it easy next week to make sure your legs are well rested. Hope all goes well and you have a great time.

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to dagshar

Thanks dagshar.

Just ran 3.5k at a fast pace for me in this heat.

Plan on trying for 10k on Sunday. Will go mega slow as don't want to injure myself!

Will do steady 3.5 or 5 k's on Tues Thurs next week.

Am getting excited!!!


Cliff1805 profile image

It is too late for this event but if you do any more there are a wealth of free training plans available on the internet. Try typing Bupa training plans into Google. I am following their beginner's half marathon plan in preparation for a half marathon in October but they have a beginner's 10 k plan too. All of the major charities have these sorts of training plans too. I was looking at a plan the other day from the British Heart Foundation for example. Anyway good luck with the run.

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to Cliff1805

Thanks Cliff

I downloaded a bridge to 10k app but found it didn't suit me as I'm so slow. I can run for the time but I don't make the distance if that makes sense!

Will have a look at the Bupa one.

Thanks Cliff :)

Stellar07 profile image

Good Luck! I think you've got it right.

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to Stellar07

Thanks Stellar :)

Originaltigger profile image

Is it the Leeds 10k you're doing? I am! It will be my second 10k and I was definitely more prepared for my first. I have two targets:

1) Get to the end

2) Don't die!

So far these two goals have seen me right. Not coming last is a bonus, but I don't think there's much chance of me beating my May 10k time. Don't think I was made for summer running!

Everyone says the atmosphere at the larger races like Leeds 10k is amazing, so that will help us through. Good luck!

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to Originaltigger

Hey. I'm doing the We Love Manchester 10k starting from near the Etihad stadium. It's my first 10k & I'm doing it alone, hence the nervousness!!!

I just want to finish even if I have to walk & come in last!!!

Oh yeah, not dying too lol!!!

Good luck for Leeds


Originaltigger profile image
OriginaltiggerGraduate in reply to mancunianpoodle

You'll be fine, you've prepared for it and you're ready. It will be fun, honest! Well, maybe. The sense of achievement after will be worth it though.

poppypug profile image

Morning Charlotte !

Its really real and getting more and more exciting isnt it ? You will be absolutely fine , I promise xxx

I am doing Park Run tomorrow and then will probably do a 5k on Tuesday at the club, then will slot in a 3k or so on Thursday/Friday. I darednt do much more at this stage as I have a record of getting crocked if I do too much :-)

Im doing the Leeds 10k Tigger :-) xxx

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to poppypug

Hope park run went ok Chrissy :)

I'm feeling a bit off colour like I'm getting a cold :(

Not sure if I'll do 10k tomorrow might just do 5/6k. Will see how I feel in the morning. Might make the decision when I'm running.

Got to be at the Etihad between 8/8.30 am as road closures for the race so it'll be an early start next Sunday.

Got my race number & chip so getting really excited!!!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to mancunianpoodle

Hi Charlotte , yes it was fab thanks , really enjoyed it :-)

Oh no ! Im sorry to hear youre not feeling well xxxx

Yes , see how you feel tomorrow , take it easy and see how you go on .

Its getting very exciting now isnt it ? :-) xxx

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to poppypug

Hey Chrissy. Didn't run yesterday as felt wiped out so am up early this morning going to try & do 5k before taking my car for its mot.

Will do a short run Thurs probably.

My Achilles on my left foot feels quite tight so going to have to stretch it well before I go out today.

It's soooo exciting!!!! Am thinking of signing up for Aintree 10k at end of Sept. There's also Great Birmingham run in Oct (13miles). Would love to do that but might be a bit too much of a big ask??!!! Xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to mancunianpoodle

Hi Charlotte, did you manage to do your run ? Hope it went well xxx

Its really weird how we seem to get all these niggly little injuries before races isn't it ? I wonder if its related to us being a bit anxious , or I might possibly be way off the mark , I don't know :-)

When you have done your Run on Sunday, I bet you anything that you will sign up for those 2 runs you mentioned . Its like you want to get out there and do it all again, and having another run to focus on is brilliant ! :-) xxx

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to poppypug

Hi! Yes, I love having a goal to work towards!

Achilles was ok this morning fortunately but now my right leg feels tense!!!!!

I think you're right, it's being anxious in the run up to the big day lol!!!

Managed 5k this morning. Felt ok. Took me 37.27 which I was quite pleased with.

How is run club going?


poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to mancunianpoodle

Hey Well done Charlotte !

Running Club is fab ! Oh you really must come down, maybe after your 10k ? Debbie the leader is brilliant, she is a Level 3 coach ( that means she's qualified to coach Mo Farah if she wanted :-) ) I am running with her for the time being and with another girl who started a week after me . When she thinks we are capable she will move us into another group who are faster and run a longer distance , so there is no chance at this stage of doing too much or going at a pace that is too fast for us :-) xxx

mancunianpoodle profile image
mancunianpoodle in reply to poppypug

Would love to join you at run club!!

Yes, after the 10k is best.

Would really love to improve my running :)


poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to mancunianpoodle

Yay ! Great :-) xxx

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