Knowing it was RFL this Sunday thought my long run of the week would be no longer than 10k. My logic: do a 10k, a speed podcast Wed and a 7k on Friday. That way the 5k on a morning race would be just fun to run for a change instead of my gradual jog/run long runs. The canal paths are really overgrown and narrow at the moment. It is full of midges and the odd rat! I started to feel pain at the back of my knee and a bit higher for the first time ever! this was around 7k. I persisted with my 10k because I am bloody stubborn and promised myself a good stretch and flex afterwards (which I rarely do). I did do it and a hot bath but today I know how it feels to have some pain. Tight cords haven't helped either or sitting. Walking around is easing the pain but concerned now for Sunday. Any treatment/advice will be helpful. Happy running!
Race for Life next week and sore!: Knowing it... - Couch to 5K
Race for Life next week and sore!

Ooh sorry you've got pain Carole that's not good is it. I have no advice as I don't know enough about injuries etc to comment. Just wanted to say to look after yourself and I hope it gets better soon. Maybe a walk tomorrow to see how it feels before you run again? Hope all is well for you for Sunday x

Thank you! - must admit I am a bit worried as it doesn't seem to be easing. Wish I could have had the opportunity today to change clothes and more stretching but too busy. I just hope it eases, there is a lot of money to be raised- talk about bad timing! Thanks again x
Not medical advice you understand! I did this, no running but a bit of cycling, the thud of the down step e.g stairs and running was causing me grief on my knee for quite a few weeks - double strapped my knee, once with a support that wound round like elastic with Velcro on the end, and then with a tube support, preventative ibuprofen and was good for 10k in 55, good luck I hope you make it but don't be too hard on yourself, if you have to walk it I am sure your sponsors won't mind and would rather you looked after your health

Thank you Prin, I think it was because I was 'dodge' running and pulled something. Constriction seems to make it worse so working in jogging bottoms today 10k in 55? Wow! that is amazing!!! even though I can plod on for miles without a consideration to stop. I am still slower than I would like. My pb for 5k is 31 any tips for making it under 30 is much appreciated! Thanks again x

Good luck for your RFL on Sunday, Hope the leg feels better and if you need to run/walk I am sure you will finish without too much more damage done

Thank you for the support!! and of course I will still be there, with my daughter zooming ahead of me Will be a fun day, whatever!! x