Your doctor tells you your blood tests came back negative for rheumatoid arthritis but did indicate mild anaemia and YOUR first thoughts are "Yay! No arthritis, I can keep running" and "if I've been running anaemic and the iron tablets boost my oxygen carrying ability, then it'll help improve my running"
I tried running without Laura tonight AND a slightly different route WITH two extra enormous hills - well, not enormous exactly, but - well, not enormous at all really, well, two EXTRA hills that I couldn't even have contemplated a few weeks ago Enjoyed running without sounds for once, but did miss Laura's constant attention to my cadence - a slower run tonight - but let's not forget the hills - the sense of love and pride I had for my aged legs and lungs for 'powering' me up those hills onto a shallow but loooooong gradient which I also managed nicely, was immense
Well, thanks for reading fellow runners
May your laces never come loose xx
P.S. Just saw the tags at the bottom of this post - they need a big NOT at the front somewhere!