Graduation is in sight but 5k is a long way off. Thought I'd upped the pace a bit tonight but was dismayed to discover I've only did 3.5k in 28 minutes. I did run up 3 hills but clearly didn't make up the speed running back down!! Was thinking about trying a parkrun at the end of the month but everyone will have gone home by the time I come in. Ah well better late than never!
Goodbye week 8, hello week 9.....tortoise style. - Couch to 5K
Goodbye week 8, hello week 9.....tortoise style.

That doesn't sound slow to me!

Did you finish week 8 today? Me too and it feels good!!!
Yes i'm slow and I have now idea how long it would take me to do a 5k parkrun, but i'm chuffed with how far ive got, and so should you be. Were you petrified of this week, I know I was - but we've got through it and next week will be a (scary) adventure too!

Thanks for your replies. I did and I totally agree it feels great! Can't believe I've even got this far or stuck it out til now- I'm not known for my staying power where exercise is concerned. I think I was most worried and scared about week 7 and there was tears of joy / relief at one point when Laura said I was now a runner! Felt a bit of a wally walking home having a good whinge. I'm confident we'll all finish week 9 with a big smile. Good luck to you both. X

Don't be frightened of the 5K Parkrun - I am 67, am only up to Week 4 of this programme and get around (run/walk) in 40 minutes (PB was actually my first attempt at 38 minutes - I think the timers must have made a mistake) - and I generally come in around 200 of 250 runners But I do ALWAYS finish first in my category --- 65-70 year old male runners!!!

Thanks for your post Bazza, you sound very fit with those times at wk 4. I have sort of promised a friend I'd do a parkrun with him. He's just finished the programme and is flying along. I'll give it a go and see what happens.

Sounds like me when I do my runs! I feel like I'm a tortoise, when Laura says you can try and go faster I don't at the moment cos I'm scared and I just want to finish the programme. Then I can work on my speed. It's a good feeling completing Wk8 - I've just done it so I'll be starting Wk9 on Friday.

Hey! Don't be dismayed! Look at you, running for 28 mins!
Speed and distance will come later. Well done - soon be graduating.

Sounds like you're doing pretty good to me. If that's tortoise style - bring it on!!!

If you can run for 30 mins and can complete the programme, then congratulations are in order.
You can start GRADUALLY increasing your speed as you continue to run. But 3.5k in 28 minutes equals 5k in 40 mins and that's a very respectable speed.

Thanks for your lovely comments everyone! In my head I was cheesing along last night so I thought I'd gone further than I actually had but still chuffed that I'm out and at it! I love this running lark :)))

I finished Week 8 today too and am averaging 11.5 min/miles which is a long way from a 5K in 30 minutes! I think speed will come later so not too worried. I do think the name is a bit misleading but I guess Couch to 30 minutes doesn't have the same ring to it!

Ha ha you're quite right there!

i did my last run of week 8 tonight and like u i find i am way off the 5k mark also ? is 5k - 4 miles ?

I think 5k is more like 3 miles or just over. I ran again on Saturday and was even slower! I think it depends on where you run and how you feel. Each run varies for me at the min but always feel great when I've finished. I'm sure our speed will pick up eventually. I'm thinking of downloading c25k interval app as I've heard this helps to improve fitness.