I am disappointed as I had to walk in the middle of week 7 run 3 tonight when I reached a slight hill. I am really no good at all on hills. I continued OK after a about a minute and I ran an extra minute at the end but I am annoyed with myself for walking. I feel like I have cheated now and it was all going so well.
Disapointed: I am disappointed as I had to walk... - Couch to 5K

Don't worry about walking!!! It is said that we should tackle one challenge at a time when learning/practicing how to run -- just completing C25K is enough of a challenge for all of us without throwing in additional challenges like hills !! You will get there in time - to the point where you will start looking for hills to challenge you and build your strength

Don't be so hard on yourself! I would still class that as completing the run, especially with your extra minute.
I go to Parkrun & there's quite a long hill. I sometimes have to walk for a minute or two but it's getting less & less as the weeks go on. I'm happy with that though as my friend who's been running for years also sometimes has to walk it!
Keep on running!

Hi Trish. I wouldn't be too concerned. Hills are the devils's work! I still hate them now and for me its a case of just grinding away at them until they're over. It's more of a mental challenge - and you showed some real determination by restarting the run when many might have stopped. I suggest you take that as a positive and move on to the next run, it's certainly not cheating.

I agree with what everyone has said, walking isn't cheating and it's ok, no run is the same, some feel better than others, you are out there and doing really well so be proud 😀

Same thing happened to me on about W7. I changed my route slightly, forgetting the new route would have a hill, and had to walk for a bit. I did what you did and added a bit to the end. Give it a couple of weeks and you will probably be able to run more of that hill. In your mind say I can do it not I can't and you might be pleasantly surprised

There are times when I go so slowly up a hill I am sure I could walk it quicker!!
Dont worry, you did the run and you added a bit for good measure. I would consider adjusting your run to avoid this particular hill though. Once you graduate, make sure you tackle it though, even on a shorter run to prove to yourself that you can beat it.
Good luck

Ah hills! Enough to try the stamina of any runner. Don't be annoyed with yourself - just press ahead but leave out the hill for now 😃
One day you will go back to it and beat it into submission.

I would echo what has been said already - don't beat yourself up, you are doing great
Before long you will own that hill

You haven't cheated- you are doing fine and it's ok to walk a bit. One of the advantages of living in East Anglia is that there are no hills for miles. I'm not sure how I'd cope with them!

I absolutely would count that run as a success. I find that a good way to tackle hills is to shorten your stride and slow down the pace. You might try if this holds true to you as well.
I live in an area with lots of hills around me and before commencing the C25K program I have been taking regular walks of 3 to 7K each and every day for a couple of years. I think all those daily walks up and down those hills have prepared me for tackling the hills in C25K, but they still get my heart rate up.
Keep up the good work!

Don't be too harsh on yourself! I go out with my young son. He's on a bike and sometimes I've had to help him over a busy road, resulting in a short break from running. Like you, I've just added it onto the end. As long as we're out there, getting our runs in and doing the best we can, our fitness will continue to grow. So don't worry about a few tweaks here and there - we're only human!! And as for hills, I have one towards the end of my route, I find them tough too so I take it as steady as I can. I'm sure in time they'll get easier!
The good thing about hills, is once you've got up them you have to come down but I can't get up yet, so leave them out for the time being.

Hills: aaaaaargh!!! They give me reflux and they make me wheeze! Rennies and my inhaler have helped with those inconveniences, but I HATE HILLS. My local park has one short steep one, which on Parkrun you have to go up 3 times. I can do it now, but still huff and puff and swear under my breath! When I was doing the programme I mostly managed to time the walk bits for the hill, but later on had to run up it. Yeah, I stopped a couple of times to walk and it peed me off no end so you're not alone. But I can do it now; mostly by slowing down, taking smaller steps and leaning forward a tiny bit and, erm, repeating my special hill-mantra... (One word, beginning with "f", over and over again until I get to the top!)

Hills are mind over matter. I don't do hills. I think of them all as lumps and bumps. If I really have to classify something as a hill I try and think of it as "downhill in the wrong direction". Where I live we have lots of these bumps. Practice makes perfect here - start by seeing how far you can go without having to start walking. Next time just try it again. You'll find that as you repeat you manage to get a little bit further each time before walking. Eventually you will reach the top without having to walk - then you know you've cracked it.
In terms of technique - I shorten my pace, grit my teeth and ignore the bit about looking 10 metres ahead all the time (stops me getting a crick in the neck from looking up...).

Dear Trish. What we have all done is a miracle to each and everyone of us and it's all these positive comments that will get you. You can do this you have come this far. Keep going and we all can't wait to hear that you have graduated. I did pod 3 of week 7 early this morning and also had a bit of a hill. Remember we are all routing for you xx

Thanks everyone - you have really lifted my confidence x

.......and I am still laughing about AllieG's reply!