So Parkrun didn't happen (slept through my alarm!) So it was my usual route around town for my graduation run. Out of loyalty I wore my old faithful running shoes that had got me to week 6 before I bought the bright orange magic shoes. It seemed the right thing to do. I'm sure it was all in my head but it felt like the best run in ages! Had my best ever 1k split and a Nike+ timed PB for 5k too. Mrs 5kOrBust took a pic as I passed the house. I know I'm a daft old git but I have to admit to a tear or two when Laura said I'd finished. I genuinely could not have run for 30 minutes 12 weeks or so ago when I started. I've just read Buffy007's graduation post and I echo everything she said. I can't begin to articulate how grateful I am to everyone who's bothered to comment on any of my posts, or offered encouragement or support. I am so, so grateful to you all - this forum truly feels like a family and I'm so pleased that Buffy & I have graduated on the same day, and in the same week as GLudwig too, what a great week. Thank you Laura, I love you. Wishing you all the very best running experiences always, Steve xxx
Made it!: So Parkrun didn't happen (slept... - Couch to 5K
Made it!

Woohoo yet another graduate is welcomed into the fold with a massive cheer! Congratulations m'dear, hope you're feeling suitably awesome.
WOW 5Korbust , so pleased for you ,really really well done such a great achievement for you , daft old gits are so allowed

Well done - great achievement. I had a lump in my throat at the end of my graduation run so I don't think a couple of tears is daft. It is the start of a new chapter so it is right to give it the respect it deserves Happy running .....
Very WELL DONE Steve, you look great in your photo! sounds like a fantastic finish and the start of a whole new chapter! Bet Mrs5KOrBust is REALLY proud of you, hope you treat yourself tonight and give yourself a BIG pat on the back! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :)Don't forget your gradate badge request!
Thank you Aliboo, chinese tonight to celebrate. Completely forgot about the Graduate badge, I'll have to look for the link - it'll look quite odd to begin with I expect!
go on the posts page and its on the right! enjoy that chinese I think the badge will suit you !
YAY! Another winner! So pleased for you. Glad you are feeling suitably happy Such a great feeling, isn't it, although I'm still not really quite sure what to do now... Will be interested to hear what you do, but for now, enjoy the moment, well done!
Thank you G Now I have to try extending my distance little by little so I can do my BHF 10k run in May - I'd like to be able to run it all so I hopefully still have the motivation to get out there three times a week. That Graduate badge suits you by the way
You too, Sir!

Aaaagh that's brilliant. Well done you. Happy running. Xx

The world is your running track. Well done Steve, you really have made it and you have every right to feel proud. A great achievement.
Keep running, keep smiling.

That's fantastic, well done! You will be fine I am sure for the 10k, plenty of time to add a bit little by little without going at it too madly. Enjoy your running! You will be smiling for ages I bet x
Oh well done Steve ! You even LOOK like runner in that pic...So glad you made it all the way to the end and wish you all the best for the BHF 10k.

Well done and great picture. It's amazing how far you can come in a few short weeks. Tears are certainly allowed, it's rare we have these very special moments where we've accomplished so much. And very cool that you brought out the old shoes for their graduation run. Great work Steve.

Yes! Fantastic news Steve. I am so pleased for you and you are clearly besotted with running like the rest of us. I can sense your joy from your post. Way to go and enjoy all your future runs.
BTW, great photo of that runner there!

Very well done on your graduation - fantastic stuff! Good luck with the 10k training and let us know how you're getting along

Sir, you have my admiration. Congratulations and may the wind be forever at your back every time you hit the road.

Another GRADUATE and another laugh!! Well done - its the bit about Laura that set me off. If only she knew how many people love her to bits! Fantastic photo - you look amazing. I still maintain that first 1 minute of week 1 was one of the hardest runs - you look like you're flying in this new grad photo. I also had that feeling this morning of betraying my old route - the one that had been good to me these past 9 weeks and I was turning my back on it at the end. But, hey hoy - hopefully I'll be able to say hello to it on Tuesday morning. Many congrats again on your fantastic achievement.

Congratulations and good luck for that 10k.

Well done you! Great pic too xx

Well done. It is great to hear you have graduated. I am start week 7 on Monday and am starting to feel like I can do this. It is such an inspiration seeing you graduate. Well done. Enjoy the chinese. You deserve it.

Great stuff... another shinning example to those starting out.... now, let the fun begin

Just casting the bunting off the knitting needles and dusting off the cape of victory ...

Brilliant, well done, and may I say you are looking trimmer than you profile photo? It's all good Steve, keep on keeping on.

Congratulations from one daft oldie to another! I hope you feel really proud.

Yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Well done and ace photo too! Just in time for weekend celebration or two? Such an inspiration to me all of you who have graduated recently, I will do this! Come on ankle be good and let me get back to week 7

Brilliant, Steve! Congratulations!

Aw bless you Steve ! Congratulations to you xxx
Its an amazing feeling isnt it ? You have done so well and its been an absolute joy following your progress.
You are a lovely guy and deserve good things to happen to you
I hope you have lots of happy running adventures, Mrs 5KOB must be so proud of you and rightly so. You have achieved so much. The badge suits you !
Have a lovely evening , and enjoy that Graduation Chinese xxx

Well done 5KorBust. Nice to see an Old Git graduate!

What a lovely post. Congratulations! Bet you're still grinning this morning too

How thoughtful of Mrs 5K to take a pic for you, a lovely momento! Welcome to the graduate lounge! XX

Very well done Sir. You realise that you're gonna have to change your name I love it when a plan comes together! You will be a tremendous inspiration to others - you deserve to be proud.