Phew, just done my graduation run, which was really quite tough. Expected it to be a bit easier after the first two this week, but maybe I was pushing it. Did think I'd try to carry on to do a whole 5k but when Strava said I'd only done 4k and then Laura said time to slow down, I just couldn't manage another seven and a half minutes of running!! Now off to lunch to celebrate her birthday with wifey when there may also be a glass raised to running and C25K. Parkrun schedued for two weeks hence too.
Anyway, thanks to all those involved in C25K - designers of the programme and app, admins, the lovely Laura and the other coaches, other runners etc - couldn't have done it without you. It really is an incredible programme - never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined I could run for 3 minutes, let alone 30, so thank you all. This is such a supportive forum and has really been so encouraging. All I have to do now is keep it up!