First mistake said to OH he could drop me off at the end of the lane..he turned left not right....hills!! [ well steady inclines at least].. no not a new swear word[ altho could be thinking about it] second mistake it was cold..did I mention that.. very cold. So set off walking had a bet with myself that the 10 minute run would start at the bottom of the hill... and I won, quelle horreur! [ or is it quel? language experts may correct] What a struggle but for every up there is a down[ a saying that applies to all walks of life...philosophical mode now] and I made the most of it. Just over the mile mark took me to the end of my drive. This was the third mistake.. very very tempting to head back in and get a hot drink after all I had done about 16 minutes by now. But I prevailed and carried on to end week 6 run 2 just under 2 miles. Fourth mistake was about a mile away from home!!! And it was cold did I mention that? So decided would walk run back even tho run over[ a martyr to the cause lol!] and carried on past my drive [intentionally ] trying to do 5k. But not to be had to give up just short of it. A good session and feeling great...onwards and upwards....
Cold and even colder...: First mistake said to... - Couch to 5K
Cold and even colder...

well done pot do you say it was cold ? haha . this running lark makes us do weird strange things like going out in all sorts of weather to get our fix
it is marvelous isnt it
oh but it was cold!! The tights are brilliant by the way... and I am glad I have them.... don't even think if wearing anything else!!!
another convert to the tights i am the proud owner of 2 pairs now and looking for a 3rd lol
wish my new running gloves would hurry up and arrive
I also got Aldi skiing compression leggings to wear under my running ones. Toasty!
i keep seeing those compression tights - i assume they are an even tighter fit than normal running tights?

Well done. I sometimes used have elastic warm ups if there is a hill (incline) lurking! I'm made of slightly sterner stuff now, and use my knowledge of how long things take to avoid anything which looks like an incline if I'm not in the mood! Week 6 Run 3 was the best one for me so enjoy that one!

Just look on it as "all hills are downhill" (though not necessarily in the direction of travel). If you have to go up one, some day, some time, you'll have the benefit of going down it again.

Well done! Love the write up It wasn't cold by any chance was it?

"C'est une horreur!", therefore "quelle" is correct.
Didn't use to like hills but since winter started here I have reduced the length of my runs (I live in Northern Sweden) and started hill training. To my utter amazement, I found out I like them when I am not completely exhausted by a long run first!
Well done on beating your gremlins!
Firstly...Yes!!I thought it was feminine lol!Secondly wow you must think me such a wimp...No comparison with how cold it must be with you. I hope that as I get more stamina that tackling hills become easier....Happy running!
I don't think you're a wimp as I have lived long enough in the UK to know how cold it feels. Where I live we have a very dry cold and virtually no wind. I'd rather have minus 12 in Sweden than plus 2 in UK!!!!!
As for the hills, first I put them off during the program, then in the summer it was too hot, then I was too tired after running in the forest.... but now I have run out of excuses as I cannot justify my husband getting the car out to come and pick us (+ dog) for a mere 20mn run and since our village is on top of a big hill, I have no choice but to climb it.... and it is warmer to run! Beside the dog is now too fit and want the exercise!!!!