So that's it then running is done for the year. Since I started C25K in April I have been amazed by the support from this forum. THANK YOU ALL! It has paid off. Since June when I got my Garmin I have done over 500km with some injuries but a new found passion for just simply running. I wanted to end this running year on a high and boy did I ever. It was tough, it was cold but I have a new PB for 5k of 27 mins and 28 secs. A new PB for 1k of 4 mins 44 secs. Not bad for a 52 year old. To celebrate I took my trusty pooch out for his walk and am now back looking forward to a nice cuppa and some christmas cake.
Incredible looking back to those early weeks and the run/walks huffing and puffing. Now it's the same - still huffing and puffing but when you challenge yourself to do your best you can achieve great things. I love the fact I can run 5k, and also 10k and who knows how far next year will be.
I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year when it comes. For those yet to graduate stick at it even when it gets tough this programme will get you to 30 mins running. I hope you all have new PBs for the New Year.
Happy Running all
GettingFitter (Definitely!)