Happy New Year Everyone,
I wish you all a year of longer running times, longer distances and most of all a better you because of it.
I know for me, because of this C25K program, I feel better, breath easier, don't hurt as much, sleep better and look better.
Some of you know my story (profile) and today is the day. Today I tell my wife that this run is dedicated to her and I will continue running so that I may be around for as long as I can to take care of her when the times are tough.
So today, I run my first 5K and 100 meters before the finish line I take a quick Polar Bear Dive into Lake Washington (Seattle, Washington USA). This should be fun and I am sure there will be many people there to encourage us to dive in.
I hope you find your reason to run and it is enough to keep you going. Small goals and achievements lead to Great Goals and Great Achievements. Because in the end....
.... You Will Feel Better, You will hurt less and most of all YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!!