Went out early this morning to run 10 k to make sure I could manage the distance before my first 10 k race at Strathclyde 6 th Sept . Managed it , went really slow but really enjoyed it. But during run realised how significant Sept is going to be for me . 2 yrs since sudden death of my mum - this morning I wasn't sad but just thinking of the fabulous full life she led and all the great times we had together . It's 1 yr since Started c25k because I had promised my 2 1/2 yr old grandson Brody I would run a 1 mile race with him to raise funds for children's cancer. Brody will also have completed 18 mths of daily chemo in Sept - another 18 mths to go but he is responding ok to treatment and starts school soon . Last sept made decision to stop feeling sorry for myself,lose some weight and try and get healthy for 60 th birthday. So lots of milestones coming up and yes I often think ' what if ?' And ' it's not fair ' But today I just felt at peace and it was lovely. I know lots of people are going through difficult times just now and just want to send them my best wishes and although you maybe can't see it there will be a light at the end of your tunnel so just keep hanging in there. If all the rubbish of the last couple of years hadn't happened to our family I would never have found C 25 k and all you lovely people here and on FB so thank you
Just wanted to share : Went out early this... - Couch to 5K
Just wanted to share

Oh bless you, what a lovely, heartfelt post.... This has brought a lump to my throat. You have had some terrible times by the sound of it, but you sound so strong and positive.
I wish you and your little grandson all the very best and that soon he will be fit and healthy.
Well done on your 10k this morning, you have done brilliantly xxx.
Thanks poppy pug . When first started running never ever imagined I would be still doing it a year later and loving it. I still can't believe I can do 10 k. Brody is my inspiration . When I see what he is going through my problems seem so trivial .

Lovely to see you posting again. Sounds like a good run for you Fitfor, a nice time for reflection on your memories. Its great that Brody is responding to his treatment, and I hope he enjoys school when he starts. Good luck with your race on the 6th, sounds like you are ready for it, x

Well said Fitfer! I'm glad you enjoyed your run. 10 k is a good distance as you get some time to yourself for a leisurely run, time to think and plan and daydream. Not bad is it this running lark. We can get fit and healthy doing it too and lose a bit of weight. What's not to like.
Your grandson will love being able to run with his grandma! Good luck with it all. I bet you're really excited!
Brody is like my personal coach miss wobble He keeps telling me I need to practise more if I want to get faster so I can catch him ! They have just started a junior parkrun at whitley Bay where they live and I plan to do that with him and his big sister as they both love running . Not sure how he ll manage as he gets tired but my daughter treats him same as any other wee boy ( as drs at hospital advise) and when he gets too tired he just stops . He's amazing
That's just so lovely to read Fitfor60, I have been hearing very good things about the junior parkrun - I'm sure the team there will be delighted to encourage Brody along. All best wishes for him starting school soon. x
Great that it so close for them Notbad but my daughter little concerned that he will get frustrated that he won't be able to keep up with Jessie his sister. She is very fast and he prob wouldnt be able to keep up even if he didn't have leukemia . Think she's going to try and go for first time when he having good week and see what happens. Funnily he is the better/ faster swimmer
What a lovely post and affirmation that we all have our own reasons to run... you have an amazing grandson who clearly looks up to you and must be as proud of you for your running as you are of him for running his own battles...
Puts the world in perspective this running thing I think... I think you discovered that on your 10K long run today (well done by the way)... I find the long runs are soul cleansing and deeply therapeutic... there's something about the long, slow run and the way your mind can drift that non-runners will never know...
I wish you all the best for your 10K and continued best wishes for Brody... he sounds like a champion fighter!
Oh thanks AussieYou are so right about putting things in perspective. This was my first long slow run - so slow I wasn't even out of breath at end ! Still can't believe how much I enjoyed it when pressure was off to go faster. Still think the competitive bit in me will still be chasing PB in parkruns . Realised today different types of runs bring different benefits both physical and mental . Luckily because Brody is so young he just gets up in morning and doesn't realise he's ill It's only as day goes on he gets tired
The time to compete is in the races (and Parkruns) or (like me) once or twice a month on a proper "let's go for it" 5K...
I love my long run for the peace and serenity it brings to me... it's me and the trail for 15kms... my music comes along but sometimes it gets ditched... sometimes I sing along, sometimes I just smile at the fact I'm outside running and can't quite believe that I'm the one doing the running...
And sometimes I solve the problems of the world between 10k and 12k... I'm glad you found that peaceful zone... it's one of my best places to be on a run...
PS. You're ready for that race BTW... you know you can do the distance... and you only have to really race yourself... have fun! And rest up before it!
I still can't believe how liberating I felt this morning Aussie. I was singing out loud as well - and I really can't sing but as was early and raining not that many folk about. I know exactly what you mean about solving the worlds problems I just found my mind was drifting all over the place . 15k though - not quite sure ready for that yet but do remember saying I would NEVER EVER do more than 5 k so who knows

Never really felt that peaceful zone before Kitty. There were times when I thought I could have put a bit of a spurt on but decided against it - kept hearing my jog scotland leader saying speed doesn't always matter , it's more important to just enjoy the run . At moment not even nervous about race but knowing me that won't last .

What a beautiful post. Your run sounds great with the feeling of peacefulness. Good luck with you 10 k race. Brody sounds like a great coach! Wishing him all the best with his recovery.

These junior park runs are good. I think also that on most runs these days there is a children's race. The race I am in on Monday has one, so the whole family can be involved
Yes isn't it great miss wobble how organisers are encouraging families to take part Brody and sister are entered for juniorGNR with their dad who is a runner. He is really looking forward to it But a lot depends on where he is with meds as endurance can be a wee problem . Good luck with your race on Mon . Do you have any family running with you ?

Thanks lavender. Looking forward to race . Brody and sister and wee brother all coming to stay this weekend as it's one of my other grandsons 1st birthday party tomorrow so think we might be having some grandma v grandchildren races!

No, Fitfer, just me

Rona, I know I replied on facebook but I just wanted to add my tuppence worth and echo what you are saying/noticing about slow running. I have decided to put my competitive spirit to the side for a while and just go at a slow pace. I can't believe how much I am enjoying the runs and like you am hardly out of breath. It's a very different experience isn't it?
I have heard very positive things about the Strathclyde 10k, and am sure you will really enjoy it. Have a lovely time - and hope Brody enjoys his first day at school
Savour the long, slow run... it's a life changer when you slow it down and get into the right zone... it doesn't even feel like hard work...
Thanks Beth. I'm still surprised how much I enjoyed the slow run - think I would like to do it more often. How are you getting on
Not bad, had another chesty thing this last couple of weeks but better now. Waiting for CT scan. However, did 3.5 miles this morning - Dead slow (about 40 minutes) - but enjoyed it. Stiff about the hips now though, be going to yoga in the morning so hope that will help

Oh dear, it's not an easy month memory-wise for you. But it's lovely to see how you focus on the positive things. All the best
Have always tried to be positive but had relatively good life so was never really tested until last couple of years Brody's diagnose particularly has made me appreciate life and try and live every moment to the full cos you just don't know what's round the corner. But like everyone have times when just want to scream

Such a heartwarming post. It is amazing how calm your mind can become after a long slow run - I love the feeling. My stress levels have dropped through the floor since I discovered I could run (albeit not fast!). Whenever things get too tense, I can just slip on my trainers and pound the streets. It always feels better afterwards - I have never had a run yet where something hasn't made me smile (the smell of lavender, rain, sun rays through trees). You have had so much to cope with and at the same time are helping to set such a wonderful example to those around you. Thank-you for sharing and fingers crossed for your grandson.

Thanks aged snail. Brody getting fantastic care from hospital in newcastle . Can't praise staff enough. I too love running under trees as the light is always changing I am very lucky to live in edinburgh so we have beautiful hills and the sea to look at when running. I think I realised on my slow run it's maybe not the destination that's as important as the journeys so maybe the slow runs give us more time to appreciate our surroundings -- goodness that sounds a bit deep but you know what I mean.