Aussie210K - My Plan: So, I have my 10K race on... - Couch to 5K

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Aussie210K - My Plan

11 Replies

So, I have my 10K race on Saturday 26th July and after deciding B210K was a bit too much (and thanks to all of YOU), I have started to develop a plan of my own (let's call it Aussie210K) and this is completely "draft" and "subject to change" so it's only here for you brilliant folks to comment on... I'm very interested in your views as I guess this needs to be "tough enough" to get me to 10K in a decent time but "sensible enough" not to destroy my 42 year old legs... :)

It's a mix of the BUPA plan, the B210K plan and "some crazy ideas of my own"...

What do you think folks?


11 Replies

Yeah - I tried to take the back end of the BUPA plan and make it fit my schedule. This along with mixing up both "duration" and "distance" runs on the weekend... that way I can run for 35 minutes without caring about distance and/or run for a set distance without worrying about time (although I will time myself of course)... I tried to build it slowly and of course need to adapt if my body reacts badly... I need to be on top form for the 10K race of course!

It still looks a lot of running, but it's NOT 4 hours of non-stop in the last few weeks like B210K...

I'm really just "making this up as I go along"... but it's fun!

Which is interesting as the BUPA plan has you doing a full 10K the week before the 10K race... talk about confusing.. :)

I assume you mean something like this ??

I still wonder how you can do a 10K training plan without ever having run 10K... strikes me as odd, but what do I know (not a lot when it comes to this!)...

ZoomZoom profile image

I plan on doing my first 10k, at next weekends RFL. I have been following a b210k programme (I did try my own programme but then found b210k and decided to try it) and will start the final week tomorrow, which is 60 minutes non-stop running. Up until now I have been doing interval running with 1 (was 2) 1-min walks inbetween. Although I have only covered 9km so far, I am sure I will be able to do the 10k. If I can't, I'll just walk for a minute.

Good luck.

thinlizzyIwish123 profile image

For my plan when I do mine, I tend to also put in whether I'm doing speed or Stamina podcast. Run to own music or long run etc. I always feel the more detail I give myself, the more it helps me to strive to achieve my goals. I usually follow a long run on weekend with either a rest day or shorter run. My plan doesn't really change. Always the same days and times it helps me remember when a rest day is due. :-)

TurboTortoise profile image

Ooh, plans, love them!

I'm definitely with Kitty and her man in the know about tapering, so I'd cut the final 50 minute run right down, and even think about having two days off before the race. But then some plans advise doing a very gentle 2.5k run the day before a 10k, too... There is clearly no definitive answer!

It's really hard to say what would be best to do on the long run distances, 10k, or beyond, or less, as I can only base my advice on my personal experience.

For my first race at I'd only run a max of 8k the week before, and I got through just fine, though it was hard work (hilly course) and I nearly fell asleep in my birthday dinner that night (yes, I raced on the morning of my birthday, like a nutter).

For my second race (five weeks later), knowing I'd run the distance a few times already, and even slightly further, made it feel much easier both physically and psychologically (it was also a super-flat course, which is such a treat when you're used to hills).

So on the one hand I'd be tempted to add 5 mins onto the long runs each week and see how far you can go: aim for 10k or even 10.5k in the week of 7 July, just to prove to yourself you can do it, then taper (though I personally would also reduce the 40/45 minute runs to balance things out).

...but on the other hand I would also say err on the side of caution and don't try too much too soon.

Just see how you go - if you are doing a long run and feel great and want to carry on then an extra 5 mins probably isn't going to hurt... but then if you do find you feel too achey the next day, rein it back. I think you have to experiment a little bit and be prepared to take a controlled risk.

in reply to TurboTortoise

Thanks TT - I reckon if I take all the great advice and then try things out for the next 3-4 weeks I'll be the best placed I can be to be ready AND rested for that race... Looking forward to it (and also slightly in awe of the fact I signed up)... :)

Thanks for your comments - I'll take them on board - I am tempted to see if I can go the distance BEFORE I have to do the distance... :)

Oh - and it's a glorious flat course so I need to get some hills into my shorter runs to make the flats faster... :)

TurboTortoise profile image
TurboTortoiseGraduate in reply to

Do you know I am extremely tempted indeed to do that riverside race as well. I'd actually planned to do the spring version of it in March, but felt it was too soon, so I did the Richmond Park 10k (same organisers) a couple of weeks later instead. I do tend to sign up to these things at the last minute!

in reply to TurboTortoise

I just plan to finish - looking at last year's results I won't be in the lead pack by any means but should make a decent go of it... as someone here said (very wisely)...

Finishing last beats did not finish which absolutely trumps didn't try... :)

TurboTortoise profile image
TurboTortoiseGraduate in reply to

All being well you will definitely finish, and in a decent time, and have fun. The lead pack guys are terrifying fast though, I couldn't even sprint 100m at that speed!

Still, as I see it we are all faster than the potato on the couch, slower than Tirunesh Dibaba...

in reply to TurboTortoise

True enough - the WR for 10K is about 3 minutes faster than I can run half the distance... just incredible! Absolutely amazing speed...

So - a final (for now) v3 of the plan. I think I'm sorted for the first 4 weeks and I'll see how the final 3 go... let's see if I can get those cheeky Parkruns in during the training... always good to run with others... :)

I've taken on board TT's comments along with all the other fantastic input here and I know I would feel better knowing I "could" cover the distance. This will of course depend on how I feel on the day.

I've also taken quite a few more rest days in the 2 weeks before the race as I read somewhere (and lots of you have also said) that there is a need to rest and recover before a big race so you are ready to go "all out" when race day comes! I've also reduced the runs prior to easy low duration runs...

Happy running folks!

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