So finally got news about the knee after nearly five weeks I have a stress fracture now to wait for an urgent orthopaedic surgeon appointment. Guess I won't be running for a few more weeks.
Stress fracture urghh!: So finally got news... - Couch to 5K
Stress fracture urghh!

Oh dear. Sending you a hug. I know it's probably not the answer you wanted to hear but on the positive, it is solvable. I'm sure you will but do ask for advice on when you can start running. In the mean time, could you take up swimming to help keep your fitness up?
Thanks have been told not to do anything until I have seen the surgeon but have done a little research and swimming and cycling seem to be good options while not able to run so fingers crossed I will be doing something before too long as getting serious withdrawal symptoms. Never thought I would ever say that!

Oh no! I've just got over a small injury and have been frustrated as hell about not being able to run for a couple of weeks. Think I'd be climbing the walls if I had any longer lay off so completely understand your sentiments.
Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and best wishes for whatever activity you can manage in the meantime.

Sorry to hear that. Take care. I'm sure you'll get back to your running.

Oh dear. Do take care and hopefully you will be running soon xxx
Hi kittykat007 it was entirely my fault felt so chuffed and completing week 5 run3 20 mins continuous running with no problems that I decided to go for an extra run on the Sunday didn't bother with the warm up walk just did some stretches wanted to see how far I could get in 30 mins big mistake at about 2k felt a sharp pain in knee it then went warm and numb so I carried on after a shower when I got home felt really painful so iced it and rested for a couple of days then did a class at the gym was feeling o.k so then went for on and did run 1 week 6 next day was in so much pain went to docs and he said ice and rest for a week but sent me for X-ray and ordered an MRI. So the only advice I have really is stick to the programme and don't skip a good warm up it is essential.