For 8 days now I've had a really painful foot which is getting worse.
It's a bruised feeling, very tender to touch & is located at the metatarsal head by the big toe. Anyone else had this?
For 8 days now I've had a really painful foot which is getting worse.
It's a bruised feeling, very tender to touch & is located at the metatarsal head by the big toe. Anyone else had this?
There's only one accurate way to find out. From my experience, both as an occupational therapist and as a mother of clumsy children (now grown into, thankfully, less clumsy adults) if you can weight-bear, it's not broken, but could be a torn ligament. Is it on the top or the sole of your foot?
Top of my foot,about 2 inches below the bottom of my big toe.
Why don't you get it x-rayed. I know this means a long boring visit to A&E, but better to be safe than sorry. A fracture generally heals faster than a ligament tear. Can you move your toes and does your ankle move properly?
Hello sorry to cheer you up but you can weight bear with a # metatarsal. So what did you do? Bone is extremely strong and does not just fracture because you run on it a couple of times a a week. However you do have something called stress fractures or march fractures, common in soldiers as they do a lot of repetive movement with their feet. Does the pain go off when you rest? The only way to be totally sure is to have an x-ray of your foot, however if you go to your local hospital immediately there is a good chance a fracture will not show on the image and you will have to return 2 weeks later when the periosteal reaction will show on the image and tell us it is a fractured bone. But dont give up - bone heals much faster than torn ligament or sprained ankle etc. Keep going
Thankyou earl-grey-sian & MrHanssen. I can move my toes & ankle freely & when I rest it doesn't hurt. When you say "keep going" MrHanssen do you mean keep going with the running?
Hello clanger, if it stops hurting when you rest then that does not sound like a stress fracture but more like metatarsalgia - go to your gp and get some strong anti-inflammatory tablets . When you are not running where different shoes to change the angle of your foot . Yes I meant keep going with the running but after your foot is better